Mad Dummy Text Overflow
8 years ago
United States

So I was just messing around and I found out that you can cause text overflow when talking to the Mad Dummy. This allows you to move while he's talking, but unfortunately you can't go past him. If you go back to the previous room and return, the dummy will be in his original position but the music before the battle will still play. If you keep repeating this, the music will keep stacking. If someone can figure out how to get past the dummy, we could skip the Mad Dummy fight.

I made a video:

BoredOfYou bunu beğeniyor
Texas, USA

We can't get past the invisible wall without clipping into the acual visoble wall so the skip is not possible. Even with wall clipping in debug we cannot go through the invisible wall


There is an invisible object that prevents you from going past the dummy. This object is used in some other cutscenes too but I can't remember them. So yeah, not possible... Yet?

Virginia, USA

There an invisible wall before the mad dummy fight, and after you fight him it sets the instance to another map that looks exactly like it, but with no boundaries.

United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

guys i have good news

Bain8renn ve TheRealEmerald bunu beğendi
United States


Bain8renn bunu beğeniyor