Yayınlanma tarihi 1 year ago tarafından

Good morning, I would like to inform you and this will be in a few points explaining some changes concerning the addition of LRT/RTA

  1. At the beginning it was supposed to be LRT/RTA, but during the community decision we had to give it as RTA/LRT for the time being, because there are a lot of runs not using the plugin and me and Lebkuchen are the only ones who used it (I don't know if anyone else used it), if a lot of users start using it in new runs and new users start using it too, we will bring LRT/RTA back.

  2. Load Remover, autosplitter and a modified plugins.js file under this can be found in Resources, the reason why there is also LRT/RTA is because loading times in this game are inconsistent and this plugin is a very cool option to keep a fair advantage because in this game in loading difference one person can have a difference of 10 seconds or less and the other already 20-30 (maybe more) seconds which for this game is a big difference, load remover will allow you to save more time especially for runs on weaker computers and after restoring LRT/RTA, if you want to use this plugin and don't know how you should set it all up for this and livesplit, contact me or join the community and we will be happy to help.

Thank you

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LRT/RTA Times Added

Good morning, I would like to inform you and this will be in a few points explaining some changes concerning the addition of LRT/RTA

  1. At the beginning it was supposed to be LRT/RTA, but during the community decision we had to give it as RTA/LRT for the time being, because there are a lot of runs
1 year ago
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