Small rule change
6 years ago

Since times in the any% category of levels 1-10 and others are getting pretty optimised to further prevent cheating i've added a rule requiring audio for all runs after febuary 4th 2019. All runs submited beforehand are clear. If you need help figuring out how to record internal audio join the mobile speedrunning discord ( ) which has plenty of recources for both Android and IOS

Edit: new small rule change: In the highscore category now "All runs with over 100.000 points that are submited after June 26th 2019 require video of the full run. That means from when you press the button to when you die and get the end score." Since we are getting into quite high scores territory this is to prevent faking scores since screenshots are not that reliable

edit again: In arcade% timing now starts on moving your character rather than on selecting "play arcade"

Edit #3 (this post is getting quite long): In the Arcade% and multiple level categories this has been added

"- If the shield is activated accidentally, the run will only be disqualified if the character gets hit while the shield is active"

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 5 years ago
kyraa bunu beğeniyor

(Note) External audio is also fine as long as you have game audio turned on.

How can you cheat with the audio off


Splicing runs. If audio is turned on it is way easier to detect a spliced run

She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Thanks Cytruss!

Cytruss bunu beğeniyor
New York, USA

I feel like we should so it where u have to see people actually using the phone. Im looking at these runs and seeing some very fast movement. im questioning alot.


Well theres no easy way of doing that unfortunately. Only thing i can think of is showing touches. Also emulators are still allowed (although they're not 100% in the clear)

New York, USA

meh, i just question the speed of people. looks a little shady but could just be me. wanna make sure there's a way to show its all legit

sukai909 bunu beğeniyor

Thats why audio is required. If theres audio a speedup/splice will be if not obvious, will be possible to detect.


On the topic of this thread another small rule change (also added it to my initial message so people can see it) Taken from the new rules in highscore%: "All runs with over 100.000 points that are submited after June 26th 2019 require video of the full run. That means from when you press the button to when you die and get the end score." This is simply to prevent fake scores because were getting into pretty high scores territory

sukai909 bunu beğeniyor
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

Thanks @Cytruss :D

Cytruss bunu beğeniyor

Another small rule change:

Now in arcade% timing starts as soon as the character moves instead of as soon as you press "play arcade"

This was simply done so timing can be more accurate.

Top 3 runs were retimed for further accuracy

kyraa ve sukai909 bunu beğendi

more 👏 small 👏 rule 👏 changes

So i have been playing totm again and im adding this to the arcade and multiple level categories where the shield is not allowed.

"- If the shield is activated accidentally, the run will only be disqualified if the character gets hit while the shield is active"

While playing i found myself activating the shield accidentally while trying to go fast and i can imagine that people have lost runs because of accidental shield activations. So if you don't get hit and you finish the level/let the shield expire without actually getting hit while its active in the run should still be good.

sukai909 ve Otterstone_Gamer bunu beğendi
San Francisco, CA, USA

Haha just saw this after submitting multiple 5 floors 1st place runs. Audio on now.

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