Wondering if we could get a new speedrun category called Korok Space% where you need to send a korok into space with four rockets on all sides of a hover stone and a korok attached to the hover stone then activeate the rockets.
Odds of this becoming a category are extremely small, as this sounds a lot more like a meme speedrun. These kinds of speedruns don’t fit unless if they decide to make miscellaneous categories with them.
I would never say impossible; please refer to this Forum post on our system for proposing Category Extensions. https://www.speedrun.com/totkce/news/yxy785xn
If you get enough people to run, it will be considered. Anthony, let's try not to discourage people from submitting their ideas!
Twitch is changing their on video storage to only allow each user up to 100 hours of Highlights and Uploads. What this means for us is that anyone who is hosting a PB on speedrun.com in the form of a Twitch VOD Highlight could