Any% in 43m 51s 810ms by
Run proper run starts at 3:56. Special shout out to Szalero555 for keeping me going with my runs. Run botched AF - I have to learn basics a bit more. Sub 40 is slowly getting real.
Zaman dilimleri
# | İsim | Bölünme | Tamamlandı |
1 | Olsztyn | 4m 38s 522ms | 4m 38s 522ms |
2 | Ściernisko | 5m 07s 951ms | 9m 46s 473ms |
3 | Toruń | 4m 12s 123ms | 13m 58s 596ms |
4 | Konin | 5m 13s 634ms | 19m 12s 230ms |
5 | Gdańsk Altın | 7m 02s 282ms | 26m 14s 512ms |
6 | Lądek zdrój | 3m 59s 605ms | 30m 14s 117ms |
7 | Sosnowiec | 6m 01s 963ms | 36m 16s 080ms |
8 | Czikago | 7m 19s 524ms | 43m 35s 604ms |
9 | Papryk Wege Altın | 0m 22s 998ms | 43m 58s 602ms |
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