100% in 4m 52s 190ms by
my personal best after like 400 attempts, still lots of time to be saved
Lider Tablosu
4m 52s 190ms
Zaman dilimleri
Sağlayan Splits.io
# | İsim | Bölünme | Tamamlandı |
1 | 34 | 0m 15s 235ms | 0m 15s 235ms |
2 | on 68 | 0m 54s 970ms | 1m 10s 205ms |
3 | on 84 | 0m 37s 236ms | 1m 47s 441ms |
4 | 91 and done Altın | 0m 33s 094ms | 2m 20s 535ms |
5 | on epic 10 | 0m 58s 596ms | 3m 19s 131ms |
6 | 101 done | 0m 13s 093ms | 3m 32s 224ms |
7 | 102 done | 0m 12s 982ms | 3m 45s 206ms |
8 | 103 done | 0m 04s 954ms | 3m 50s 160ms |
9 | 107 done Altın | 0m 36s 751ms | 4m 26s 911ms |
10 | 108 done Altın | 0m 10s 484ms | 4m 37s 395ms |
11 | gamer moment | 0m 14s 798ms | 4m 52s 193ms |
How to add the Impossible Quiz Autosplitter to your livesplit
If you have any problem with your livesplit in this game which it can be:
Not splitting fast enough when reaching a specific Question
Starting the run much earlier
Then I think it will be much easier if you have the game autosplitter. Its not needed but it is very helpful.
- To set it up go to
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