All Achievements in 8h 54m 08s by

Run begins at 01:57, and ends at 8:56:07 according to the video (8h 54m 10s). LiveSplit times may be out by a second or two due to me inaccurately hitting "next split" at the wrong time.

The following footage should contain raw, unedited footage of the speedrun at an acceptable quality as per the rules (Should be 720p60).

The start of the run shows me having no achievements and the time ended after getting the last achievement, and then me proceeding to show all of the achievements at the end.

Throughout the run I was paranoid that I wasn't recording on Twitch, so I would do a check to make sure I am recording- this is shown in the footage as it is a screenshare, and you can clearly see that I have nothing else open except Twitch, LiveSplit and Terraria. No other external software was used in the footage. Apologies for me checking if I was recording periodically, it is my first speedrun ever and I wanted to make sure everything was running smoothly.

Two worlds were used:

  1. The world used exclusively for the "A Rare Realm" achievement. Seed: celebrationmk10, random evil, small world.

  2. The main world used to get all the other achievements. Seed:, corruption, small world.

There was no world hopping, the only instance where I had to quit the world was where I was required to leave for the game to update the corruption/hallow status needed for "And Good Riddance!", otherwise there was no other way of getting that achievement.

In case it matters: The split for "Plantera" should not be 4:00:32, it should be 3:47:49, and the split for "Golem" should not be 4:00:33, it should be 3:54:23. The overall time should still be the same though.

Verifier: retimed down from 10 to 8 seconds.

Lider Tablosu
All Achievements
Patch/Game mode
Fishing Quests
Fishing included
Birinci sıra
8h 54m 08s
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago