Guide to Win% and Lose%.
Guide to Win% and Lose%.
Güncelleme tarihi 7 years ago tarafından Corbeno715

~Tecmo Bowl Win/Lose%

Pick the Chicago Bears. >They are the optimal team for this speedrun because of four reasons. > Walter Paytons speed (speed 10) is good enough to avoid the defensive players for an extended period of time. > The Right-A play never fails, even during blitz plays you can dump the ball to the crossing route WR Ron Morris (Speed 6) is running to extend the play (Just don't hold onto the ball too long with Jim McMahon it could result in an interception. > The Bears offensive line is extraordinary. Jay Hilgenberg (PWR 90) and Jim Covert (PWR 81) are strong enough to take out multiple defenseman at once. > Mike Singletary (Middle Linebacker) is fast enough to get to passes from the opposing offense to get an interception and kill some of the clock as well

Play the Dallas Cowboys >Two Reasons why. >The Cowboys defense is extremely weak to Hilgenberg and Covert. >The Cowboys Offense tends to be pass heavy. The Game is very simple and the idea of the speed run is to waste as much of the time off the clock as possible, which can only be done while in a play. Each time you are forced to choose a play expect to lose somewhere between 3-5 seconds, so getting tackled is not optimal.

Quarter 1 >Recieve Kick-Survive as long as possible >Right-A- Press A to start the play and run backwards with Jim McMahon as long as possible/press A one time while in the play to switch the receiver to Walter Payton. Pass when pressured and continue the play with Walter Payton. Remember that the best players on your team are the two offensive linemen that automatically shed their opposition at the beginning of the play, attempt to use them for cover as much as you see fit.

Quarter 2 >Same as Quarter 1, using the Right-A play reach the end of the Quarter (Lose%), but in Win% with five or so seconds to go in the quarter press B in the Playbook and select Field Goal. Kick the Field goal and mash start after the screen goes black heading into halftime, this will skip the halftime festivities.

Quarter 3 >Kick as short or as long a kick as you want this doesn't really make a difference. >Pick a RUN play from your defensive playbook, you do NOT want to pick a pass play. >Before the play starts Press A once to switch to Mike Singletary (MLB), and hope for a pass play to get an interception. >Kill the rest of the Quarter with Right-A

Quarter 4 >Kill the Quarter with Right-A and pray for good RNG i.e. No Blitzes. >In a Lose% run, on the last play of the game you want to run out of bounds or get tackled in your own endzone resulting in a safety and a quicker loss compared to having the Cowboys score themselves.

Of course if you have any questions, we are all here to help. Corbeno715(The_Rest_)

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