100% (Easy) in 5m 04s 500ms by

MesenRTA 0.0.6

This run is the epitome of "It's not how you start, but how you finish", and is quite frankly a sequel to that same story in the last WR. The run started off poorly and we only tied the World Record through India. Typically, 1:15 just doesn't give enough later time saves for a chance at a PB. But if I kept even with a very competitive Iceland, we could get ahead 7 or so seconds in China, which we did. From there, it's just hold strong and try to beat the WR's Russia and Shadow. Kenya and Japan were okay and we were once again tied with WR at 3:30 out of Japan. So I knew there was a chance but not much of one. But then, we got a 45 Russia, which is insane and put us on WR pace into Shadow. I've had like 10 of these in the past month (including a -4) and just haven't closed. But tonight, we did. A 5 second PB at this stage is unheard of. I hope for one more 5 second PB to end this journey. And hopefully sooner than later. Every time I take a run out of India now, I will need to be ahead, because the likelihood of matching the last 4 minutes is low. Anything higher than 1:10 and I am just wasting my time.

In my 5:15 world record (the first one I ever got in speedrunning), my cam was off but audio was on. I was so loud my oldest daughter came down and made some goofy noises. My daughters now love listening to that and have a good laugh. So when this happened, I yelled for them to come down and celebrate. We now have some new history to listen and laugh to. I hope this isn't my final PB, but this helped make it special.

Kudos to Beardstrength, JKLoser (who I watched on my phone get his 5:27 twenty seconds later), and Heartprestige for being the current wave of energy pushing the top of the board, and to all the other runners bringing renewed energy to the board. Let's keep it going!

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100% (Easy)
Birinci sıra
5m 04s 500ms
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
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En Son Haberler
MESEN, part deux


While we will certainly keep supporting Mesen within the same conditions that were previously outlined, I would like to direct players to the following:

This is a Mesen release compiled by threecreepio for the SMB1 community. It basicall

3 years ago