New category
3 years ago
Lombardy, Italy

Can we do an all bosses category (boss rush%)

An_D, Zeldz08, ve KingFawn bunu beğendi

Can we have a Rickety Coaster catagory? As in, how fast for heart-stopping and how fast for scary?

Charlotte, NC, USA

can we have a glitchless any% category?

Ryan24 ve RayStormThunder bunu beğendi
Washington, USA
Any/All, They/Them
2 years ago

Can we have a Normal Mode Any% misc category? As with the new skip, not having Hero Mode makes a huge difference.

Ryan24, An_D ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
South Carolina, USA

Has anyone done a 100% Speedrun without taking damage?

Charlotte, NC, USA

Can we get EB x10 where the timer starts when you enter deep woods for the first time and after you stab the ground at skyview 10 times the timer ends.

Utah, USA
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

I don't think EB x10 would be good. TP used to have Gorge Void x100 in ext. categories, and recently they got rid of it. This would be worse since the trick is RNG dependent.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 1 year ago
Skunkdog42 ve Zeldz08 bunu beğendi