New timing + new moderator!
New timing + new moderator!
Yayınlanma tarihi 2 months ago tarafından

Hi all,

When I became mod for this game about a year ago, there were no rules/timing instructions, etc. I created rules based on what most people did at the time, but some runs aren't timed accurately, people split at different points, etc. In order to simplify how to time this game (and to make retiming much simpler), we're going to adjust when timing stops for this game.

Time still begins when selecting Run or Hop, but the timing now ends on the first frame the screen begins to darken after beating the final stage. Originally it was when the screen was fully black (as most people did that when I took over as mod + created rules), but in order to make it clearer when someone is truly done, it's now when the screen begins turning black after beating the last stage. Plus, depending on how people capture their video, etc., it'll be easier to tell when someone beat the stage if we base it off of when the screen starts going black.

Also, Kona591 has been added a moderator for this game! She'll be helping retime runs/ensure their accuracy.


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New timing + new moderator!

Hi all,

When I became mod for this game about a year ago, there were no rules/timing instructions, etc. I created rules based on what most people did at the time, but some runs aren't timed accurately, people split at different points, etc. In order to simplify how to time this game (and to make re

2 months ago
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Yayınlanma tarihi 1 year ago
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