Great RNG, crappy execution (especially on Ortega, but of course I lost time elsewhere as well). Luck even extended to this run being minimally disturbed by the lag and input loss issues that otherwise plagued the session, the time loss on Ortega was all just bad play. Feels like a lost opportunity to hit sub-11.
At least nothing really stupid happened to it, unlike some other runs (I had an 11:08 that had equal/better RNG and equal/better execution, but lost too much time to computer issues; and a run with WR potential into end fights until the game registered a single F press multiple times and turned my shield off without me noticing; and a run that was ahead of this one exiting Ortega until the game decided to eat the keep-scanning command and went to grab some Monolith Burgers instead...).
Started using Joka's strats for Dukem Nukem and the end of Phleebhut.
Played in UrQuan's version of ScummVM.
Stream VOD: