Food% orientation
3 months ago

I'm interested to do this run, but the only info that I got, is literally 2 runs, a tiktok and 2 reeld, and I want to do the things well.

What is the full ruleset to do the run properly?


En Super Mario World muchos mundos y niveles estan nombrados en base a alimentos, por ejemplo Donut Plains (Donas), Vanilla Dome (Vainilla) Cookie Mountain (Galletas), entre michos otros.

La categoría Food% consiste en comer un alimento de acuerdo al nivel en cuestión. No existen niveles así en Yoshi's Island, pero una vez que llegas a Donut Plains 1 debes comer una dona al finalizar el nivel y antes de entrar a Donut Plains 2, al finalizar Donut Plains 2 comes otra dona más antes de entrar a Donut Ghost House, así hasta completar cada nivel cuyo nombre tenga "Donut".

Para Vanilla Dome requieres hacer lo mismo pero consumiendo 1/4 de cucharada de extracto de vainilla. Por consiguiente Cheese Bridge requiere comer queso, Cookie Mointain una galleta, Soda Lake un tipo de soda, Butter Bridge mordidas a una barra de mantequilla, finalizando con barras de chocolate en cada nivel de Chocolate Island, una vez que comes todo eso finalizas el juego.

La categoria de Food% es una excepcion a la regla de integridad del leaderboard, la agregamos como un gesto amable hacia un contribuidor de la comunidad y las runs suelen ser removidas del leaderboard despues de un tiempo.

eviecamila bunu beğeniyor
New Jersey, USA

Just ran food% co-op a bit over a month ago. Followed all the category rules along with shovda's solo run to make sure we followed everything properly.

Rules: Read the rules here:

Pastebin note 1: One donut means a full size donut, you can't have only a half (donut holes or bite-sized donuts do not count for the purpose of submitting to this board). Pastebin note 2: "A sizable bite out of a stick of butter" has been codified to mean 1 tablespoon of butter before Roe v. Wade was codified by the Biden admin.

Feel free to race with whatever digestible rules that work for you, these rules are only to be followed for submitting to this leaderboard :)

The pastebin will be added into the rules here and fixed and formatted soon or something idk tbh fam

This category was added as an exception to the general integrity of the leaderboards as a gesture to community figure BeeKaay for continually supporting and funding SMW Speedrunning related activities for the many years that he has.

Happy to answer any other questions you may have. Good luck!

eviecamila bunu beğeniyor

I found the category rules...

Well, in my city can't get Donuts without holes, the most closer is this, can I use it to the run?

New Jersey, USA

Donuts WITH holes in them is fine. What the rules are saying is you can't just have a small donut hole (i.e. munchkins, timbits, etc) or a smaller than normal donut.

eviecamila bunu beğeniyor

For me Food% Is IRL Speedrun

ronaacode bunu beğeniyor
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