Was just wondering since 9.5 has slowed the start way down me and rommy wont be able to try and beat the coop conquest top run anymore. thanks
I would agree with this. Due to the TTK changes across the board on not only gods but structures too, its not possible to come CLOSE to any times on any category.
indeed, rommy did a solo run while i had no internet and he came to something like 16mins on a solo run i think
I'm sorry for responding so late. I m actually seek and i can try new patch and visibly another modo are out ... I try to resolve that soon, but in smite the rng can surprise you and really take an beautiful record after 4 month of try with bad time ! I see we have big patch about creep and tower but we have boost on item or jungle boost too actually at my sens is not impossible to beat time, just let me time to get back on my feet for try this thanks
So about that big patch which hasnt changed anything on minions or towers... At this point the speedrunning its going to be just dead cause you cant beat the times out there. Hell I would put a damn bounty on it if I had the money to do so but its not physically possible to do it. the towers take longer to kill as do enemy minions (and no, the tankier minions dont take any reasonable difference in time for towers to kill them due to the break points on tower damage vs minion hp). Without a new category nobody is going to bother running this. Hell even the joust stuff isnt possible to do faster due to the relic gold changes and arena wouldnt be either due to AI building T2 defence items on tanks making their TTK too high.
totally agree with this, me and rommy have tried but there is no way its possible.