4 years ago
Indiana, USA

Any chance this ever gets added as an extension?

KilleDragon bunu beğeniyor
São Paulo, Brazil

I think so, it would be cool.

KilleDragon bunu beğeniyor
Basque Country

Okey, idk about whats go the category, sorry, anybody can explain me nice pls? Well, it sound nice, but in all case, I think moderators doesnt accept more categories rigth now, so f

Oklahoma, USA

It's a neat concept :)

I know @AndrewG has done this, as well as what he called "juggling%" - which was beating the game while... juggling - which is also not a category on the extension boards.

I've also seen someone beat the game using a DDR pad, but they never submitted the run.

Unfortunately, category extensions isn't accepting new categories, but it's a legal any% run

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago
United States

I would run this if it got added.

Basque Country

[Now is when a mod enter to the thread and say that not wait because will be not added and that is not necesary a leaderboard to run it, and then the the thread been closed] (I feel like we been in this situation a lot of times :) )

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago
zsjetu9 bunu beğeniyor
Basque Country

Okey, im stupid, just now I look the camera Ey, to be with the feets, you´re not bad playing! XD I dont know for a category, but this is definitely a fun challenge to play I have to prove it lol

zsjetu9 bunu beğeniyor

Think before you speak @KilleDragon Sorry if that sounded rude, just a tip :)

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago
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En Son Haberler
11x Categories - New Timing Method

Hey Folks!

Just wanted to announce a new change to timing methods for both 11x categories. The new timing standards are as follows:

  • Timing starts from power-on/reset (or game select if you're using one of the combo cartridges).
  • Timing ends on grabbing the axe on the 11th run.
  • Time betw
1 year ago
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