THIS HAPPENED WAY TOO FAST! This was my first run to -2 of the day and was only 20 minutes into my attempt session. This was an absolutely unbelievable run from start to finish, it ties the TAS all the way up until -3, and I'm so proud of myself for being able to clutch it out so quickly. Huge shoutout to Alabaster for being quite possibly the reason I have this time today, as he was the one to nudge me towards properly learning -2 FFPG, but also helped keep me motivated when it seemed to difficult to learn or even continue trying.
One quick thing I need to mention, at the beginning of my session I had noticed that my handcam had completely froze, so I decided to remove it for the rest of my runs (Got Ravel instead :3)
This was performed on 9/24/24 on Nestopia UE
Full Session:

Following Twitch’s announcement regarding the 100-hour storage limit for Highlights, the SMB1 mod team recommends that runners reupload any previously submitted Twitch highlights to a permanent video hosting website (e.g., YouTube) and resubmit any submissions labelled as "at-risk".