6 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

nobody has done a run of 0 star yet, or asked. Ultimately, I don't see a reason to add it, as for solo it would be extremely similar to 0 star in vanilla with only a few minor time differences depending on who you play as, and for co-op its similar to 11 star co-op just without DDD. As for swimming in Dire taking ages....really? It takes maybe 15-20 seconds, if that, so i dont see why thats a reason to complain :/

Ohio, USA

We haven't added it to boards yet because no-one has provided proof of doing a 0 star run. We don't add categories to the boards if: 1). There is no interest. and 2). There is no video proof of the category being done.

That being said, if you are interested in doing 0 star, do a run of it and post the video here. We'll be more than happy to look at it and evaluate it to put on the boards.

Ohio, USA
Any/All, He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

How would you even skip past DDD without SBLJ? The majority of people in the community that I know of can't SBLJ.

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