4 Star Difficulty Rule
4 years ago

The rules state:

Default settings (2 rounds, 99 sec, 4 stars).

However, I noticed a lot of runs which were submitted with 3 star difficulty have been "verified".

On the 30th Anniversary Collection which I'm playing on, Street Fighter II Champion Edition "Default" difficulty is 3 stars, but per the rules of the "Arcade Mode (Normal)" category, I've been playing on 4 stars (which is harder).

I've uploaded a video showcasing default difficulty settings for various SF2 games on the 30th Anniversary Collection here:

Should previously submitted runs with 3 star difficulty be disqualified? Or should the rules be modified?


Gurg.Derpson bunu beğeniyor
Tokyo, Japan

In My Opinion It would be nice to allow the standard level 3 or the current rule 4 at the same time

I think there was a lack of confirmation, but it is lonely to lose a great record.

Oregon, USA

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. These rules were written well before I became a mod, and it looks like there are some discrepancies. I think the intent was for "Normal Difficulty" to mean "default settings." I'll take a look at the runs here and get back to you with a thoughtful decision.

tdcrooks bunu beğeniyor
Oregon, USA

Okay! After some research, this was fortunately an easy fix. Only some console versions use the "star system" for difficulty. 4 stars always translates to normal/default, and 8 stars is hardest. Other versions use a level system that does not always directly correspond to the star system. Therefore, I simply clarified the rules so that "Normal" will always mean the "default difficulty settings" across all games to eliminate any confusion.

I'm glad it worked out this way, because it would be a shame to delete runs from our community that took a lot of work. Hopefully this is a satisfactory solution that will make the rules clearer for all future submissions!

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