Kevmeisters run
5 years ago
Södermanland, Sweden

Might be true, but how would you check into it?

Like your enthusiasm

I did it without using that mod, or any mod. I ran this about a week ago.

FULL TRANSPARENCY NOTE to fellow runners and mods - I ran this:

That run was made while the RNG for the spy opening the gate was changed (from 40% up to 88%), so I'm not submitting it. My change doesn't affect the run other than removing those 48% of attempts that would otherwise be discards, but there are people running it without doing this (I presume) so they deserve me being transparent and pointing it out.

You're accusing me of cheating and don't have any basis for it, even though I've already gone out of my way to be very transparent when I could've easily concealed something I changed for that run.

I'm quite sure I know exactly what you did wrong that stopped you from being able to run this route but I'm not going to tell you because you're being a very unpleasant, passive-aggressive prick to me for absolutely no reason. You deserve all the frustration that resulted from those 1000 failed attempts. Enjoy looking foolish when other people manage to replicate our route without using your weird mod that nobody's ever heard of except for you.

P.S. If you don't understand something, that doesn't mean that you then understand it. All it means is that you don't understand. If you don't know what causes lightning strikes, that doesn't mean Thor's hammer did it. Learn how to think and communicate like an adult, you'll go way further in life.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 5 years ago


Steam version, fully updated.

Leaving it up to kevmeister to tell you why you can't get our RNG, if he feels like it. It's his routing and his work that made my sub 2 minutes possible, and that I based my own run on. Up to him.

Södermanland, Sweden

I think it has to do with the route that the armies or something else took. There's some logic to it. The patch difference might be a part of it, but I doubt it. Evidently there is yet much to be learned about the game.

United States

Hey all. Sorry for being late to the party, I rarely check this site lol.

As for the accusations, I will say that I have not modded Rome: Total War in any way at all. It is just the exact perfect combination of luck and unit placement. I genuinely love this game, and want to push just how much the AI and game can be abused within the base game. I just uploaded a video on YouTube that details my thought processes behind certain decisions and unit placement, as well as addressing how the odds of success are (they aren't great). I've attempted this run dozens if not at least a hundred times, and there are so many little things that can go wrong. Rebels spawn basically anywhere on the peninsula and mess up the AI, or you lose one of the battles, or the gate doesn't open at the end. The runs on my channels are pretty much the ONLY successful ones I have gotten.

I hope you all will believe me when I say that I haven't cheated in any way. My run is only the result of luck and pure experimentation and repetition. If you would like, I can upload scrap footage from all the failed runs I recorded, and there are a lot. Have a nice day!

Also, I'm not sure about the effect of patch differences at all. I just know I play on the version I downloaded off Amazon years ago, and the US version if that means anything.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 5 years ago
Virginia, USA

Kinda late to the party, but I can say that my copy of RTW is legit and I have successfully excecuted routes Kevmeister has made (specifically Gaul, Scipii, and Thrace runs, I am learning Pontus and Germanica soon). The AI in this game is very predictable over the 2 minute period of a run, so getting the 30% chance of a spy doesn't invalidate anything.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago
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