[FAQ] Frequently Asked Questions
4 years ago

LAST UPDATED OF: 2022/12/19 Q: Can I use FPS Unlocker? A: no, unfortunately you gotta play the game less than 75 FPS however you can show your FPS with the in-built in the engine by pressing Shift + F5 or use an external or third party application (I.e: MSI Afterburner)

Q: Can I use Set Sections? A: No, that would ruin the whole point of the category at all, keep in mind, all runs must be randomized at all times, we may consider adding Set Segments category in the future

Q: Why was my run rejected? A: We've rejected your run for not following the rules or a glitch has been patched.

Q: Where shall I start recording?: A: (1ST) (Start there, it's pretty much easy to retime) (2ND) (This is pretty much disallowed, and it would get your run rejected.)

Q: Is it allowed to spliced runs? [Make segmented runs to make them look real?] A: No it is strictly forbidden to do that if you're caught doing that, We'll inform a Site Staff and You'll be permanently banned from the site as a whole.

Q: When does the timing end? A: The time always ends if you've touched the door

[Image Example] https://i.imgur.com/myM38Dm.png (The time isn't ending when you've completed the last section of the tower, this will mostly get you rejected, so keep in mind.)

https://i.imgur.com/EirEJ6z.png [This is how you always end your time, and We'll retime your run to see what frame you've touched the door.]

Q: What happens if we've submitted the run to the wrong category? A: We'll simply edit the run for you to the right category.

Q: Can we use "checkpoints" in the Mutators category? A: No, we've recently do decide to ban that from the category due to a certain someone just found a loophole of that!

Q: What's the acceptable video framerates in videos? A: Game Framerate is mostly accepted as 60 to 15 FPS, Video FPS Is mostly accepted as 30 to 11 FPS.

Q: Can I Run on the TOH Ban Appeal Place? A: Yes, that is allowed.

If you have any other questions to ask? Feel free to DM a game Moderator on the SRC DMs or any social medias.

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