so the tutorials and the scenarios.
tutorial 1 - final stand all dont allow options. the 5 difficulties and 5 bot choices should be removed to a 1 record system for them.
would avoid confusion :)
i like the 3 game tutorial for full. makes sense. IL makes sense for each scenario. just need to have 1 record only for them.
up to u :) not gonna complain about more categories
@DemataPyro take a look at the run pending. same deal, its a scenario put 2 bots. granted it has 2 bots :) but we gonna split records if we dont have a standard.
Felix pointed out that the Scenarios have been Removed from risk, with a new tutorial system taking it's place. What are your thoughts as a runner?
Being the new tutorial is so short, my initial thoughts are to have the tutorial be the full game run and archiving the old full game runs.