Need I Say More? TIMESAVE GALORE after Caves...
Big Timesaves: We are not finished
-1 sec statue zombie (RNG) -0.5 sec blue gem -1.5 sec gas room -1.5 sec P42 1st Phase (RNG) -1 second courtyard dog (RNG) -1.5 sec silver medallion -4 seconds RJ corner (RNGish) -2 seconds Power Generator Room -5.5 seconds at Final Tyrant (QS Dropped 2x)
- 1 second acid throw up
Big Meme total: 19.5seconds > WE ARE NOT DONE All around triggers as well many bad areas around 2-3 seconds of timesave. Grand total: 22 seconds roughly?!?
SUB 35 will happen. It will take good RNG and Focus. Ill leave this run here for now.
It has come to our attention that the current version of Duckstation (v0.1-7675) runs considerably slower than earlier versions. Until we figure out what can be done to either get the current version up to speed with the other times on the board we suggest that runners use v0.1-7294, which can be fo