Do i need to have a steady or high frame rate?
4 years ago
Queensland, Australia

As long as the footage is consistent, you're only hampering you run with a low framerate though

California, USA

You need to cap your framerate....if your in 60FPS it cant go over 60, if your in 120FPS it cant go over 120

"Other than the “any%” category all runs must be capped at either 60fps or 120fps. The fps counter must be visible (and readable) on screen throughout the entire run. If we can not read your fps counter it will be rejected. If you see your fps counter reach 121 or 122 that is ok. Your run will not be rejected so long as it goes NO higher"

That's all the written submission guide says, but you should also check out the sticky on using Rivatuner to cap your framerate, and get it consistent for your own benefit.

The video quality needs to be good enough that menu / inventory text can be read when they reveiw the sumbission, so that really depends on where you post it, as well.