Updated Mission Skip Bug Module list
Güncelleme tarihi FalconLuma
tarafından This module list can be used to determine the number of skips to get between two modules and is useful when routing an MSB run. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Qb8IcXEfyR2pywnelKgmJNW4bMow94LxI0PYNUiZAUQ/edit?usp=sharing
For more information on Mission Skip Bug, please see StarPilot87's guide - https://www.speedrun.com/project_wingman/guide/etcd7
Frontline-59 now on Steam and Leaderboard refinement
Frontline-59 is now available on Steam! This means the campaign is no longer a PS5 exclusive. Patch notes:
I have also just now re
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