The run starts at 1:30. Everything before is to be ignored. (My livesplit was overlapping my FPS counter (which wasn't on))
Before the huggy chase, i replaced the tape with AYAYAYA!, so that's why the audio dies when the video stops. It's the game itself and the audio returns when the TV alarm starts.
Time Starts at 140.416666666667 and ends at 3436.86666666667, making the RTA, 54:56.450
Total Load Time is 1:21.966, making the LRT, 53:34.483
Moved from Out of Bounds to No Major Skips ~noki
As you may have noticed there were some changes recently.
Chapter 3 released on consoles a few days ago, and so our mod team was working hard to remodel the leaderboard for console runs.
We are proud to announce that we now have a **Console category for both Full Game and Individual Lev