How often do runs get verified?
We try to verify as much as we can but we do have our own lives and sometimes it takes longer than usual, but we aim to verify runs that are about 1 to 2 weeks old
Tarafından düzenlendi yazar
i misspelled my run time and i already submitted it, is there any way to fix it n0tkitsune?
Poppy Playtime: Chapter 1 (2021)
SRC Series: Poppy Playtime Duo ChallengeSurvive both Chapter 1 & 2 of Poppy Playtime
Ödül havuzu
The Twitch Highlights Change
If you didn't know, two days ago Twitch announced that Highlights will now have a 100 hour storage limit meaning that you can only have a total of 100 hours of highlights on your Twitch Channel.
The change doesn't come to effect until April 19th, but today we will be implementing som
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