anyone still verifying runs for this
2 years ago
Virginia, USA

sry that's mb, don't really look at this website too much anymore, I'll keep my eye out now that I know you're submitting, but if I don't accept after a few days feel free to message me on twitter or discord

twitter - @xKythol discord - Kythol#1643

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Florida, USA

thanks, looking to do some more runs in the future!

California, USA

If you need help with moderation I'll be glad to help you out, just let me know. I'm a series mod for Rocket Power and mod for Team Rocket Rescue. A Discord for Rocket Power speedrunning also exists, although it's very dead and only has me and like 2 other people. if anyone wants to join it, feel free! -

(if a discord already exists, let me know. I'm unaware of one.)

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