New panel added to all star battle mode
2 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

With the update today there is a new panel added to the all star battle mode. Maybe legacy the current versions (under a msic category) and create a new version for the current update?

Also is there a good reason to separate old file and new file versions of all-star battle? Just curious.

Florida, USA
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

The reason old file & new file are separated is because you can use coins to buy items (cutting the opponent's health in half, draining the opponent's health over time, etc), and naturally you start the game with zero coins.

So with new file, you have to route around gaining coins as efficiently as possible so you can buy items to speed up all the slow required fights. Whereas with old file, you can buy the best items for every fight from the start.

And yeah, the new part 6 panel is a shock to me, after Risotto's DLC dropped with no new missions I assumed we were locked into the base game panels forever. Granted, the new panel and everything else involving Weather & New Pucci was probably already completed for the base game, they likely just delayed releasing it to tie in with the anime...

Since this seems unlikely to ever happen again, I wouldn't mind if the old ASB Mode runs get archived. I'm gonna be grinding out new runs for ASB Mode new save soon anyway.

gamebrain likes this
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

Sounds good, wasn't aware of the item coin thing.

snuffysam likes this
Florida, USA
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Oh hey, weird thing I discovered while working on the new route...

Turns out, you don't need to beat Stone Ocean 2 to get to the credits? I was able to get the credits by beating every boss panel except Jolyne vs Final Pucci?

It's really weird how that's a thing... I'm not sure how we should handle that, actually.

Because on the one hand, usually any% would be "get to the credits", which means Stone Ocean 2 isn't required. But it also seems really weird to have one boss panel totally untouched? But, TBF, that extra panel was added in a patch, so maybe it's considered "bonus content"...

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

In my expert opinion (I'm no expert) I'd say just have two categories, one without the new Stone Ocean panels, and one with. Since you don't need to beat it to get the credits, then it's technically not a part of the run, basically a side quest. I think it would also be unfair to any runner who wants to do this now and just physically can't get the record because a whole new tab was added.

When I would run this, I would completely skip over the 2nd tab, because I figured that would just be fair.

Or alternatively maybe consider them one, where it doesn't matter what tabs you beat under Stone Ocean, as long as you beat the correct amount. Just throwing out some ideas.

Florida, USA
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Well you don't get the credits at all without beating Stone Ocean 1, so I don't think that last suggestion is really viable...

I will say that I don't think new runners being physically incapable of beating my current Any% new file record is an actual risk LMAO. I mean, my game literally crashed in the middle of getting that run, and there were missions I had to redo bc of how much the strategy to beat them changed without items.

I'm still not done testing all the missions, but even with the routing changes I've worked through so far, it's looking like at LEAST a 30 minute time save over the current record, including the Stone Ocean 2 page (it helps that those missions are some of the fastest in the route).

United States

Well then in that case, then making the new Stone Ocean page apart of the run would be the best option, considering you're the only person who has ran it and is going to completely nullify your last run by running it again.

But for Old File on the other hand, the same change I recommended before would probably have to be put in place, that being just having 2 categories, because I know that the one run for old file does NOT include the new Stone Ocean page then making it unfair for any new runner

I can hardly beat it now while skipping over the new page

United States

But this all relies on mods, and they don't seem to be too active