1P Stadium in 16m 09s by
Lider Tablosu
1P Stadium
1P Stadium Level
16m 09s

Zaman dilimleri
Sağlayan Splits.io
# | İsim | Bölünme | Tamamlandı |
1 | Gary Altın | 1m 22s 663ms | 1m 22s 663ms |
2 | Brock | 2m 41s 213ms | 4m 03s 876ms |
3 | Misty | 1m 05s 467ms | 5m 09s 344ms |
4 | Surge Altın | 0m 58s 315ms | 6m 07s 659ms |
5 | Erika | 1m 56s 125ms | 8m 03s 784ms |
6 | Koga Altın | 1m 08s 567ms | 9m 12s 352ms |
7 | Sabrina | 2m 11s 971ms | 11m 24s 324ms |
8 | Blaine | 1m 42s 761ms | 13m 07s 085ms |
9 | Fuccboi Altın | 0m 51s 259ms | 13m 58s 344ms |
10 | Rocket Altın | 1m 03s 243ms | 15m 01s 588ms |
11 | Giovanni Altın | 1m 08s 346ms | 16m 09s 935ms |
Speedrun Tournament 2024
The League of Puzzle Speedrunners' final open registration 1P Stadium major tournament begins in a couple of weeks. Starting in November, future major tournaments will be seeded based on performance in smaller monthly tournaments.
If you would like to be a part of this chapter in PPL speedrunning
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