No real LB update for 0.7?
2 years ago
United States

0.6+ covers 0.7, except we tailor the behavior of the ghost and cursed objects we want to get faster times than prior to 0.7, i.e. player speed 150% with unlimited sprint. The only answer was just a "custom difficulty" category even in any%. Except guaranteeing tarot cards/box for Hug% is custom difficulty, which if it is the only modified rule is genuinely just fewer runs for other runners as it just eliminates RNG of not getting the cards 5/6 times you launch a map while trying for a 1/100 draw that has a 1/6 chance to fail. A guaranteed cursed object on its own is treated the same as a perfect storm setup with max speed and max chances for success with every tool available and no penalty for death which is wild.

Worse, not every category has "custom difficulty" which implies that either anything is allowed or only default rules are allowed, which means there is just a category missing. The only place that it makes sense to ignore a custom difficulty is on an any% type, but hug% fills that slot but has a custom difficulty category which makes far less sense than archiving and moving to 0.7+ instead. Ignoring how much intense fracturing this leaderboard has already experienced and how that has stifled competition, it's still wrong.

Runs are already approved for 0.6+ that are 0.7. Theif 100% is on a 0.7 map. Either they stay, or by the same logic that 0.6+ was created 0.7+ should exist with custom difficulty category options that have at least been thought out rather than tacked on. The entire leaderboard, including base, is full of decisions that have not been thought out. It is full of categories where I will compete with nobody at all, and what's the point of a leaderboard if only a single person competes in a game that has a respectable following?


I'm gonna be straight up with you, no one speedruns the game very seriously anymore. If they were to include a 0.7 category, the runs would be even more dead than they already are. Idk why you're so pressed about this if the most recent update didn't really change much speedrunning wise. You have to understand that to warrant an archiving of the LB, you need the update to make the previous runs unable to be replicated. 0.7 doesn't introduce any gameplay changes, apart from quality of life changes and obviously, custom difficulty. If you read the rules for the categories now that don't have a separate tab for custom difficulty, they are quite specific. If they aren't then you can go report it to the mods.

I don't really get what your point is here, but yeah I hope that cleared it up somehow.

Kubia bunu beğeniyor
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

I think that mac and cheese under the chicken was much better than the mash potatoes under the chicken too much starch I would never finish it.

EDIT: if you put gravy on it maybe just MAYBE, ill finish it.

EDIT #2: I wouldn't finish it.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 2 years ago
United States

If i am going to be honest with you, in my own humble opinion without being sentimental of course, without offending anyone who thinks differently from my own point of view, but also by looking into this matter in distinctive perspective, i would like to say i have nothing to say.

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