Rule about Coop Runs - Disconnection banned ? Your opinion !
8 years ago

Hellow everyone, we will need your opinion about something in the Coop Runs !

What do you think about disconnection in Coop Runs ? Should we ban them ? Reject a run when a player is disconnected ? For example, in this run we saw that it's an intentional kick to save time in the run. Do you accept this kind of method ?

We decided to accept this kind of runs when people disconnect for a reason. Imagine you see during a run, one runner disconnected. What should we think ? Problem of connexion ? Disconnected for a good reason (have to go, eat, etc...) ? Or disconnected to gain time ? And imagine more, we reject a run because of a problem of connection of one player. The other players finish a "perfect" run without him. I think everybody will be a lot salty. In any case, it's too impredictible to decide if it's a valid run. And everybody can lie and say "oh he had to go don't worry it's legit". So we decided to don't care about disconnected players. However, in this run we see it's wanted but they probably do it again and say "hey he lost connexion" and we can't verify it because we see only one player screen.

That's for my opinion when we decided the rules. But, if we start to reject run like this. We had to reject all the runs when we saw a disconnection. Wanted or not. What do you think ?

PS : For the IGT, during a connection of a player the IGT is frozen so the solution can be to accept a run if the player who started it, is back before the end.

My take on speedrunning is to have the fastest time possible using and taking advantage of any and every (intentional or unintentional) game feature that is available. That's why I'm all for using bugs and glitches as well. In my opinion people can be kicked, disconnect, leave and come back (even with a different build) as long as they are the same players. If the vanilla game code [made by the developers (with its flaws)] allows you to do something - go for it. There should be no restrictions on that. Speedrunning is not a normal gameplay and should never be considered as such.

PS. In the example you gave, Cladall, the kick doesn't even make a difference as it was made after Jigu killed himself and went into custody. This, however is a great example of a perfectly thought out and executed strat involving slow motion and a kick saving a lot of time. That's CREATIVITY! It would be a shame and disservice to speedrunning if that was disallowed. It hurts me every time when co-op runs are slower than solo runs.


Oh I see, that's why you used the Rocket Launcher at each beginning of heist I validated. With that point of view I understand more now. :p And yeah, I remember with JelleNL we talked about too. We said it can be a practice and a way to save time in some heists but not all. We are in Any% so there is not really restrictions. However, I think we can say that we can tolerate only 4 players in a run. And they have to be since the beginning of the heist. And after that they can quit and come back but not a 5th player or 6th player ready for switch with another build. :/

I agree that there should be only up to 4 players allowed, but I don't think they should be there from the beginning or to the end of the heist. Why not let people start even with one player and have others drop in and out as long as there are only 4 distinct players in the whole run. For example let's say the host is called "A" - for whatever reason he starts the heist solo and after a few minutes has player "B" join him. They go about with the run and after a while player "C" joins. In the meantime player "B" leaves and player "D" joins. And even though there is a free spot there can not be a player "E" - only those 3 (besides the host for obvious contract-terminating reasons) who were already participating can join and leave as many times as they see fit.


Yeah I see. And it's not breaking the IGT because the timer is frozen when a player join the game. I'm not against to verify/accept run where this happen, disconnection/reconnection of players. It's just when I imagine myself as a spectator, if the run is a lot of reconnection of the players it cannot be funny to watch it (for example this run of Minecraft made me laugh but not interesting to watch at the beginning because of the permanent cut of the game). But for the moment in the heists, I don't find a particular moment when it's benefit to have a massive deconnection/reconnection.

For sum up, as a moderator of the leaderboard I accept that kind of practice and will not reject that. As a spectator, if it's too present in a run and cut me in the action too often I will not apreciate that. :/

Now, I'm waiting for other people points of view to see if "everybody" is fine with that :p


I believe that any player that submits a run should do it from start to finish.

United States

I think it's fine like in Murky Station Coop you can make someone go get the items in the basement and then they disconnect so the items get past on to a person that needs it in the trainyard saving time.

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