For startes: I decided to go with cannogabang, because he feels the easiest to use out of all the bow classes. You could finish the game with Alloson tho, he gets the job done too. Chin went as tondega, because you can do various thing with him. Ton as kibadda - good all-rounder. And for Kan... I chose pingrek. He actually carries in some places, although he boggs down without new equipment.
Valor is easy, if you get Bunny Hood - it's a walk in the park.
Tower of purity is muuuuuch harder. Thor hard carried me through it. Honestly idk any good strat for it now (other than get gud rng xd)
Castle of Justice is just a stepping point, I used it as a training ground to get Cannogabang.
Estate is very easy - but you need to grind for a hotwizer. Without it, you can't really progress further.
Labirynth is very easy aswell. Only thing - you need to prepare lots of ice armor pieces. I also farmed the 1st Class Skill, so the hotwizer is even stronger. I kinda don't know if you can proceed without it, mayby someone wil ltry.
After labirynth, we stumble upon my beloved... Archfiend of guillotine. XD So literally, if you get through it, you won. After countless retries i developed a strategy to sacrifice Ton. He charges onto the plate, I cancel and immedietaly do a Pata. If you're lucky, the game will let you through i guess.
Thanks to the long range and high freeze chance, Ravenous is also a walk in the park.
Unexpectedly, last Arena was the toughest mission. But what you really need to do there is just camp your towers. Yeah, lame, but what can you do. Unless you have a giga tank as Chin, you can't go further, because Buzzcrave will run you down.
Aaand lastly, Tom of Tolerance. It's so easy, you just need to watch out for the breath of the toxic dragon.