Is this another Emulator like the SMS and the Genesis? Or, is this another whole new Emulator? Cause, I do want to know. Cause, I want to get some of these games and play them sometime in the future. That would be amazing and a half. I am wanting to try out GameGear and Genesis and SMS.
Like I said on the Monaco GP II forum, Kega Fusion 3.64, RetroArch with GenesisPlusGX and FreezeSMS also play also Game Gear as well as Genesis and Master System games.
Okay. So, I would need to install Mega Fusion 3.64 to get GaneGear, SMS and Genesis to work?
Then, would need to install the emulators for Game Gear, Sega Master System and Genesis?
Just install Kega Fusion 3.64, that’s it. No need for cores, no. I suppose that was your question.
Yes it was. Thank you!! You are awesome. Can I add you on here so we can talk some more in the future?
Of course. I always welcome any questions and concerns about the games I’m moderator for.