Categories and IL Information and Discussion
9 years ago
Ontario, Canada

This threads primary goal will be to provide more detailed help and information on any of the Categories or Individual level runs, and also discuss any rules or possible changes or additions to them or even old or new Categories or IL's.

This First post will track and be updated as frequently as possible for all current and possible future runners of the game as time goes on.

A guide for the game will be written up later on once more of the games potentials have been explored as it is still very new.

If you have something to discuss about the boards please do post about it here.

Currently IL's are not available as I am working out how to best present them since there are Individual selected story mode chapters as well as Bonus missions which are track-able via clear time at the results screen at end.

RTA(Real Time Attack) will be the default requirement for full game runs(Story Mode), as the individual chapters only track there own clear times. Check the rules for those categories for more information.

IGT(In Game Time) will be the default requirement for individual chapters or missions, as they track there own clear times, tho the in game timer may not be as reliant so this may change.

V Rank(100%) is the best possible rating you can get for each fight and finial overall clear rating for missions or chapters. The ideal goal for this rating is to exceed the S rank scores that are shown for each fight, Since the game is primarily a score attack game, these can provide some challenges when added to speed running the game to obtain. Under Misc categories you will see any of the V Rank alternatives if any due to the nature of them. Please be aware that if you skip fights or do not combo well your rating will become very poor very fast, and for V Rank runs that will be cause for Reset.

Ontario, Canada

IL's are now up, this is the best layout currently for both Story mode chapters and Missions. I will accept suggestions on the layout if there may be a better way, but this seems simple enough. Submitted IL's will be required to be for which ever difficulty they are trying for and not just the IL. Even tho only the TOP runs for either the mission or chapter for any% or V ranks will be shown as first,second or third etc.... keep in mind that if your run is on hard or another difficulty, its not directly competing with the other ones. The IL's are only tracking based by fastest times, nothing I can do to fix that Unless somehow I can be given the ability to create a whole subdivision for Chapters and Missions to be separated further.

Mission specific requirements will be posted up later for those that wish to know what the rules are to complete them are.

IL's submitted runs must have the menu screen in the video(s) in which they select the mode->chapter/mission->difficulty. In game timer for these could possibly be in accurate, more testing is required on that, so please also submit RTA times from start of the chapter/mission in which timing start on character control, and ends once you lose control(results screen pops up).

More details will follow, and these details could all change. Once I have confirmed more of this and re-written it better it will be added to the main post.

Ontario, Canada

It's been a while since the last time I posted on the game, but Everything should be set up properly now as far as being able to select a category of run to do, this includes and of the full game clears, and or level/mission clears, RTA is the preferred and required timing. I took a break from running the game for awhile to play and or learn other games, and start back into running the game more to tighten up my personal times, I have not found any newer tricks or strategies yet but I will be going over more in detail about the current ones again eventually and put up tutorial and the likes eventually. I will also at some point put together a basic routing guide for new runners that are interested in running the game as its an easy game to play tho there are a few things some people may not be aware of the first few times going through the game. If you would like to learn to run this game and I do not have any notes up yet, feel free to contact me how ever you feel and we can talk personally over VOIP etc and I can help you learn the game. This game is very fun to play and easy to learn once you understand the mechanics a bit, And I love to see more people involved with running this game. <3

I will also at some point be learning the previous title Bikini Samurai Squad at a later time once I've gone through the game enough to grasp the differences and horrible controls/mechanics of the game. =p Let's just say I have allot more appreciation for the ZII: Chaos with its stream lined controls and the bit of qwerks it has.

ResiliXia bunu beğeniyor
Ontario, Canada

With the New site layout etc I will be looking at re-setting up the ILs better and the missions so that they are better sorted when submitting those. If you are running the game for ILs or Missions please let me know before you attempt to submit as only the Full game runs are set up somewhat correctly atm. <3

Ontario, Canada

Been awhile Since I posted but I'm still running this game. I will be running this game for NASA 2017 between 21st to 27th of May, along with NieR (2010) as well so If you'd like to see either of the games played make sure to keep up with NASA news here on the forums and join the discord for that.

Ontario, Canada

I am In the process of updating the Leaderboards to reflect some needed changes due to the differences of doing a fresh New Game run vs New Game+ as well as if Beserker Rings were used or not specifically for NG+ runs as they give a fair bit of an advantage over runs without them.

"New Game" and "New Game+" have been added as sub-categories for Story Mode runs, and Difficulty will also be changed into a sub-categories as well for Story Mode runs.

Beserker Rings have been added currently as a variable but may be changed into a sub category at a later point because of the differences they make on NG+ runs for Story Mode.

Skips/Glitches is also a current variable that may also follow a similar path to make way for all fights within Story Mode runs, as you can skip several fights within stages which can save a fair amount of time as well compared to doing all the fights for Either any Grade or V rank which is the highest grade to achieve in the game.

This changes will take a bit of time to do as I'm just getting back into doing runs myself and never got to these things in the past since my focus was just playing the game mostly as is.

Feel free to contact me here on the forums or on twitter, twitch or youtube to discuss or ask questions about the game and rules etc.

Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Seems fair to me, I don't mind the way it is now but I'd prefer a Glitchless category instead of the variable and I don't see why Beserker Rings aren't automaticly included into NG+ runs ?

Ontario, Canada

Berserker rings are fairly broken and unlocked only through beating all the difficulties hence why its not included at this time directly, this could be changed in the future but it does greatly affect ones ability to do a run regardless if they have the standard gear maxed or not.

As for the glitch-less category thought it would require a bit more looking into to define it more before it would be worth adding as those categories are always fairly touchy to define, something that can be worked on in the future for sure tho.

Languedoc-Roussillon, France

To me NG+ means you completed everything the game had to offer and yet still offers you to start anew with that regardless of the number of times you need to beat it first to unlock all there is as long as you can make a new game file with what you already have in stock in your previous save file should count as NG+ since the game itself is made this way but it may just be me maybe it is a sort of NG++ I don't know ? And yes I agree with Glitchless it indeed depends on what is or what isn't allowed.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Generally thats how many NG+ categories go, but with how broken the rings can make runs it could warrant a separation for those alone. Having it as is right now doesnt change anything because its only a variable but if changes were to be made it will make things easier this way.

tracking the info as a variable will make any of these decisions a bit easy depending on what seems or would work better but atm not to sure myself. Been awhile since I've done anything serious with the game, and I still want to more attempts for V ranking runs as well but those require allot of combat tech to pull off.

Languedoc-Roussillon, France

You're the mod so I will respect your descision no matter what I'm just giving my opinion =P V ranks huh ? gl on that I guess that's funny because I wanna fill the Chapter Select IL up ! And then after that maybe Normal and Hard mode any% NG+ totally different plan but we both want to get as much time here as possible. xD

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 years ago
MASH bunu beğeniyor
Ontario, Canada

yeah I took out the IL board and put it into the main since IL sorting is painful to see and deal with so I think I have it set up in a way to works for the game as is now. and technically the berserker rings were suppose to be removed from the game before it game to NA but that never happened I guess.

IL runs will obviously be NG+ as well as the missions

Ontario, Canada

Feel free to make suggestions for things always open to them, hopefully the way things are organized atm is pretty clear and easy, some point maybe look at if its worth having glitch-less or berserk ring separation but for now just as variables will be fine as it doesn't affect placements for it.

Languedoc-Roussillon, France

I'm fine with the way it is set up right now and I'll adapt myself if necessary I don't have much suggestion 2b honnest, keep up the good work and I hope more people will join the crew !

Oh and for Chapter Select why isn't chapter 1 there ? I mean IGT varies depending on how fast you skip the tutorial screens so even if it is a tutorial level with nothing to do to speed up the fight I still think it counts as a level by that I mean it would be much more precise to go with IGT for this specific category.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

IL makes more sense to use igt and that level is timed so u can't get a faster igt for chapter 1. Rta for it varies only because u need to skip the tutorial messages.

So yes IL will use IGT same for missions. Just need to update those for that and make sure igt is displayed properly after clearing selected chapter or mission instead of just best time.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 years ago
Languedoc-Roussillon, France

But as I said my IGT varies depending on how crazy fast I skip the tutorial splash screens, I noticed that I know it's strange but milliseconds do matter I believe.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

For that section in story mode yeah but don't see the need for IL since it's a timed sequence if we were to use igt for IL my igt has never changed for that sequence ever only my rta varies a few milliseconds. Possible to that that only happens on pc for that.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 years ago
Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Oh right never payed close attention to that important detail. =)

Ontario, Canada

I'm gonna be starting to route out NG attempts soon just for something a bit different. Tho we won't be able to do them as Violent or Beserk since those need to be unlocked I may adjust the boards to fix that issue.

Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Beat my record instead so I can get back seriously into the game ! :P