NG Any% Route | By Kwanzai
NG Any% Route | By Kwanzai
Güncelleme tarihi 7 years ago tarafından lEternalDarkness

(Edits to route/shopping menus by lEternalDarkness, 2/13/2016) (added Oni Island skip and some vids by Kinnin11 4/30/17) (Edits for non-Wii versions added by Kinnin11 12/18/17)

Abbreviations used (ones that aren't painfully obvious, anyway): di = divine instrument ps = power slash cb = cherry bomb sfs = steel fist sake vm = veil of mist mc = mermaid coin

The notes in Italics are small edits for the non-Wii versions of the game

note: shopping menus tell you Xamount of Xitem that you need in your inventory, not how many you need to buy

tutorial zone have to get astral pouch skip both fights by running left

kamiki check mushi, his mom, and kosumo sunrise green imp fight (2 ps) jump down and dig turnips grab ex slip S on hillside (do before turnips?) fix watermill talk to kushi (2x) grab sake talk to boulder guy, red imp fight (make red block, 2 ps, finish red) plot stuff (go to susano's house, bonk him, take to boulder, etc)

shinshu field go to hana valley

hana valley campfire fight: make closest red imp guard, 2 ps, collect drops, finish

last red imp yellow imp fight: ink yellow imp, kill green imps while he's covered in ink, one reflector

combo when he turns grey, ps roll ball bloom yellow imp fight skip campfire fight

shinshu field bloom sapling from cliff ¤SHOP¤ Buy: 2x SFS wanted monster fight (make red imp block, 3 ps) swim across water killer fish fight (hold first two ps until fish is fully-formed, get ink

bottle from imp, final ps) cherry bomb power slash scroll on way to ramp demon gate: ink blot, cb, attack once, and ps yellow imps go to agata forest (lilypad skip)

agata forest jump off cliff run to/bloom sapling waka (sfs, 4cb, ink upgrade if necc) grab laquerware on left of tree? 2500y run to kokari (talk, talk, bonk) fishing grab ex slip s on way to tsuta (in the pod) enter tsuta

tsuta ruins run through area (get incense burner? 2000y) skip lilypad grab sfs bud ogre fight (cb, two attacks, bloom, attack, 2 ps) cb switch 2 bud ogre fight (ink upgrade 1 here if not earlier?) jump down to blockhead, grab key wall jump up key room grab ex slip s, right of the blue scroll rejuv bridge (no cutscene) 3 demon gates, go clockwise cb + di + bloom + 2ps + di bud ogre cb red imps ink blot + cb + di + ps yellow imps ps + di green imps ps killer fish slash pots (get laquerware set? 2500y) down waterfall, get vine leave room from entrance, vine up outside statue skip blossoms (skip cutscene) attach vines to statue top (ink refill 2?) spider queen 2 vines + 3 ex slip S + ps til dead

agata forest activate mermaid pool (inkfinity stone across the water in the pod) bridge minigame

taka pass sell fish (should have about 33k here, more with treasure) ¤SHOP¤ Buy: 4 Meat 2 M Slips (3 if enough) 2 L Slips 4 SFS waka (sfs -equip snarling beast- + 7 cb) bloom sapling mermaid spring demon gate usual strats for enemies go to kusa

kusa run to fuse brushless imp fight (slip m) cb canine bamboo canine bloom canine vine canine tei (sfs + 4cb)

taka pass go to cutters', wait for night ~2 minutes? crow tengus(slip m) go to sasa

sasa sanctuary go to bathouse digging game (cb, cb, cut guy, dig, cut rock, dig) waterspout take (sfs + 6cb) warp to agata

agata forest fill bucket run to kokari, grab sfs in pod fishing crescent ume (sfs + 6cb) go to merchant ¤SHOP¤ Buy: 2 Gold Dust 3 Mermaid Coins 1 M Slip (2 if possible) warp to shinshu

shinshu field go to kamiki

kamiki hayabusa (sfs + ?cb) leave

shinshu run to mermaid spring warp to taka

taka run to kusa

kusa go to fuse go to gale shrine

gale shrine chimera fight (attack once, cb, 2 cb when grey) go to second floor chimera fight go to third floor galestorm return to first floor skip bridge cutscene grab ex slip s on way to crimson helm crimson helm (1S + gs + 2L + di) (1S + gs + 2L + 1M + di)

kusa leave get extra M slip if needed

taka turn to night warp to shinshu, equip life beads in sub while paused (gold dust beads)

shinshu run to kamiki

kamiki cutscene

shinshu run to moon cave

moon cave NEED 20 DEMON FANGS BEFORE END OF MC drop down run to demon gate black imp (close-range beads, floral finisher) go to kitchen vine pot from door jump on pot grab slip M skip blossoms in large room (upgrade ink if necc) demon gate (beads 1 shot red imps) cb + bloom + ps + beads bud ogre, floral finisher bud and imp get ogre liver go to second floor crack bridge demon gate (beads everything, floral finisher) drain water black imp fight (floral finisher) drop down elevator shaft skip fight by going left ice mouth (1M) inferno loooong elevator ride demon gate (torch them twice, floral finisher) get lips of ice go to second floor, rejuv bridge demon gate (1M) get eyeball of fire get key (melt chest for ex slip l) run through sand room defuse cb, place on switch Grab chest to the left of shop vine to third floor light cannon from opposite side (light while pointed left for timing) skip black imp fight (go along the right wall with rocks) demon gate (usual strats for all enemies) get black demon horn skip black imp fight again drop to kitchen, give ingredients ps/airdash bell x4, get kutani pottery go up elevator ¤SHOP¤ Buy: 5 Mermaid Coins 2 S Slip no S slip non-wii 1 M Slip (2 if enough) 4 L Slip (5 if doing safe strat) 1 SFS extra(if enough) go to orochi

orochi (can be improved I think) part 1 - ps head part 2 fire (cutscene) fire (cutscene, run to dark) dark (no bloom) fire (cutscene, run to dark) dark (no bloom?) wind wind 1L to break bell

¤Safe Strat¤part 3 fire lunges, run to earth, sake fire, earth lunges, sake earth, 1L 1S (1L) get next 3 head drunk in the same fashion, ex slip L repeat once more

¤Fast/Risky Strat¤ part 3 fire lunges, run to dark or earth skip cutscene when fire falls next three heads do slamming attack 1 ex slip L and S (1L) next four heads do slamming attack 1 ex slip L and S (1L) susano part ¤/

kamiki try to leave until it lets you

shinshu warp to taka, gold dust/equip glaive

taka run to city checkpoint

city checkpoint plot stuff

ryoshima coast skip fight skip bucket water sapling from below bloom sapling dojo (holy eagle) ubume (1L) mermaid spring demon gate (1M) go to sei-an

sei-an ¤SHOP¤ Buy: Blinding Snow pick up 3 chests digging game (go right...) fishing meet rao (talk twice, use a power, talk once more, get ex slip m) go to palace, grab slips, talk to rao 3 more times back to city entrance

ryoshima go to moon turret go to sunken ship (get buried ex slip m)

sunken ship kill first three ghosts for demon fangs skip most of the dungeon

ryoshima get eaten by water dragon head to sei-an

emperor's palace run through area thunder doom mirror (1M) run through area (get key with issun) teleport to mist pot through the wall (or run to pot like normal) veil of mist skip wind doom mirror fight (hug right wall) mist spiders early to avoid cutscenes Issun on chest before blight get inkfinity stone with issun run to blight

blight vm -> stun vm -> start charging -> sfs -> beads x2 -> air glaive -> vm -> beads til dead vm -> stun -> sfs -> beads x3 free kaguya

emperor's palace buy peace bell leave

sei-an talk to kaguya twice warp to sasa

sasa use inkfinity stone just before digging game warp to sei-an, equip fire tablet and peace bell

sei-an mist to get past guards, meet himiko (talk to her 4 times) warp to ryoshima

ryoshima go to north ryoshima (talk to right guard) wind nose (ex slip m) ¤SHOP¤ Buy: 1 Fish 1 M Slip 4 L Slip 1 SFS urashima sunrise go to catcall

catcall poltregeist(1M) climb tower catwalk warp to ryoshima

ryoshima go to north ryoshima

north ryoshima go to watcher's cape cyclops (1L beads x2) open whirlpool go to dragonian kingdom talk to otohime (4 times, choose no then yes) go to water dragon

water dragon tube foxes 3L (upgrade purse) leave

go to rao rao sfs + mist + 5cb + beads ¤SHOP¤ Buy: 1 S slip no S slip on non-Wii 3 M slip 4 L slip go to oni island

oni island do KTless thunderstorm (paint from distance to avoid cutscene) get ex slip l from chest ¤SHOP¤ Buy: 2 M slip 10 L slip (MAX) 1 SFS grab inkfinity? (right chest) camera-through-wall bomb glitch run through area (avoid fights in the middle of rooms) blockhead skip

ninetails mist + beat her up til she swords + ts 1L 1M PS fat one 1L PS fat one mist + beat her up til she swords + ts 1L 1M 1L 5L 4L

north ryoshima warp to shinshuDOWN

shinshu go to kamui (draw lightning from far away to avoid cutscene)

kamui namahages (1L) oki (2L, sfs + mist + 2cb) (1L + beads, sfs + mist + 2cb) fight igloo turtle or skip it

	Buy: 3 M slip *1M*
		 14 L slip (MAX)

wepkeer (can skip all of this with gate skip) talk to samickle (get kutani pottery from KT ledge) try to leave, talk to kai 3 times talk to kemu 3 times

ezofuji use inkfinity stone or upgrade ink mega vine trick into wawku

wawku go do balance puzzle (2 trees on right, bloom, melt ice) key skip into the center head up on the water spout and up the mountain great tengu (1L) blizzard puzzle (up, right, left) poltregeist (1M) freeze spider from far away to avoid cutscene jump around cutscene on the bridge left ice chest before owl fight silver owl (6L, 1M) 4L grab cog, talk to oki light all 4 cannons use inkfinity stone great tengu (1L) grab ice ball on the left key is in bomb hole kutani pottery in left chest right of merchant lechku and nechku (6L, 1M) 4L

yamato boss rush ¤SHOP¤ Buy: 3 S slip 4 M slip 2M MAX L SLIP (at least 18)

ninetails - same strat (2 L for minions) PS fat one (repeat) (2L in final phase)

crimson helm 1S, galestorm, 3L 1S

spider queen - 3 vine + 1L 1M

orochi earth, poison, light, earth poison, light 2x 1L, 1M to kill bell 1L to kill bell same first orochi strat for phase 2, but takes 1L and 1M 1S to kill

blight mist 5L 1S melee 2L

¤¤¤¤¤¤YAMI¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤SHOP¤ MAX L IF YOU CAN AFFORD 59 42 OR MORE if you can't 56 L 1 M 2 S

(replace s&m slips with L if you only have L) Phase 1 1L Get Rejuvination 1L Get Powerslash PS 1L Get Greensprout PS 2L 1S Phase 2 1L Get Cherry Bomb 3L PS Get Waterspout WS 3L Get Crescent 10L 2L Phase 3 5L 1M Phase 4 4L 2L Get Catwalk 4L 2L Get Thunderstorm 4L 2L Get Blizzard 1S 3L Phase 5 Sun Mist 17L 12L

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