Category Split for Quitting and Loading?
2 years ago

now that this is being done in runs, i'd kinda prefer if it was it's own category (or rather, if doing runs without quitting and loading were their own category). i dunno, i kinda prefer doing it that way... of course, if you guys don't want to split the categories, that's fine, this's just my thought.

RaiuTheEevee bunu beğeniyor
United States

I'm fine either way, honestly. I think making a quit & load subcategory would make the most sense if there is a split, but whether or not there's a split in the first place should be determined first.

NoJoTo ve RaiuTheEevee bunu beğendi
New Jersey, USA

First of all, good job to whoever came up with the idea to refresh the page. I never would have thought to do that.

I'm on the fence about making another subcategory or variable for quitting and loading. Perhaps we could call it Refresh Strat? On one hand, its not a bad idea because it does change the route slightly, but on the other hand I'm not sure if its entirely necessary, especially since it's just us on the leaderboards.

I actually wanted to make subcategories for Normal Mode and Furball mode, but I couldn't figure out how to do it for the longest time. I'm actually setting that up right now, now that the website has changed its look and the edit pages are a lot more user friendly.

NoJoTo bunu beğeniyor
New Jersey, USA

As an added note, I noticed how much of a difference there is between the real time and in-game time, so I decided to go ahead and add the Refresh Strat as a variable. If you guys would rather it be another subcategory, I'd be perfectly fine with changing it.

New Jersey, USA

One more thing; after looking through old forum posts, I realized I completely forgot DDRKirby added a quit function using left shift + right shift + Q. So that could be used rather than refreshing the page to restart faster.

In addition to that, I've changed the main game rules due to the fact that there is now about a minute difference between in-game and real time with this strat. From now on real time should be timed separately from in-game time.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 2 years ago
NoJoTo bunu beğeniyor
United States

I'm the one who thought to refresh the page initially, so thanks! And yeah, I'd totally forgotten when DDRKirby talked about the shortcut as well, so that's gonna be super helpful for these runs.

I think the boards look fine as is right now, but if they're changed later, I'm not gonna complain.

NoJoTo ve RaiuTheEevee bunu beğendi

i suppose something to consider would be how this would effect the 100% route. i could definitely see there being more major differences there. in the end, though, if you guys don't really care, it'd be fine to leave it as it is.

wait nevermind, i didn't see that you already added the 'refresh strat' to the leaderboards, sorry! that looks good to me.

New Jersey, USA

I did a practice All Items run, and I could only find one place where the strat saves time. It was at the area to the left of level 1 after you have all the powerups and you've collected all the items in the level. I quit from there and continue, get the items from the start and move up to complete level 2 then finish the game from there. That's the only place I could find where you move the least amount of screens by using the strat.

NoJoTo bunu beğeniyor
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