Category Idea (5-3 Red Coins Collecting)
4 years ago
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

This CATegory is all about collecting the red coins in 5-3 (all red coins) Also, timing starts when you touch the red coin ring and stops when touching the last coin and you can do them in any order.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago
Uusimaa, Finland

Why 5-3? That seems oddly specific. Also, this takes like, what, less than 10 seconds to complete? I know this is category extensions but come on. I would understand if it was an individual level run, but even then I'm not very willing to add all levels onto this board with barely any runners. If you have anything to defend this "category" with, I'm willing to listen. But for now it seems pointlessly arbitrary.

Oh_my_gourdness, Pear, ve J_duude bunu beğendi
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Cause I think that in 5-3 they are the most fun coins to collect and yes it would take sub 10 seconds but I want to see runners playing close to the other's person best time

He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

But again I wouldn't be angry if you don't add it

Oh_my_gourdness bunu beğeniyor
Uusimaa, Finland

I think if we were to add something like this, we would have to add every other level as well to stay consistent. But yeah I don't think we will, just because you're the only runner of this ONE level so far lmao. I'd say you can keep this to yourself and maybe try to get other people to time their runs if you want but a leaderboard might not be needed. No worries though, just have fun!

(More traction means more generous consideration)

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness bunu beğeniyor

when does timing start and end? I might do this in my spare time.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness bunu beğeniyor

I think that all red coins is more interesting.

Oh_my_gourdness bunu beğeniyor

What levels have red coins in them?

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