This is a collection of a plethora of saves between many progress points in the game. There are save points before bosses, achievement specific saves and normal/true ending requirement saves. Have fun!
Use: Replace the saveslot0 folder inside YourDrive:/Users/(you)/AppData/LocalLow/RedCandleGames/NineSols with any save in the collection.
WARNING: The save Lvl1TrueEigong requires you to also replace (or create) the saveslot0_BeforeNoReturnPoint folder. This is due to an issue in the externally modified flags of the save that sets the game to completed after returning to the menu. Creating the folder will always make the player respawn in the last root node as a workaround. (This is planned to be fixed)/
Special Thanks: @Silhouette for helping me out and sending me the Repurposed achievement save.
Regarding to the FPS rule, the leaderboard has been split to allow both capped and uncapped runs. Capped runs have been copied into Uncapped, and any old runs that either had no capped FPS or FPS display had been moved into Uncapped.
Capped FPS will require FPS display