4 years ago
Madison, WI, USA

Watching Spike's run against Dartmouth, I noticed that some of the Big Green™ players were playing out of position-- there was a punter at QB, a LT on defense, etc. I looked into their depth chart and I found something really interesting: almost every position in the depth chart has players starting outside of their intended position: HB at kicker, SS at TE, FB at FS, the list goes on. I wonder if it was some simple organizational error or coding error in the game, since many of the players swapped to a position that starts with the same letter alphabetically-- FB at FS, RGs at ROLB, LE at LG, etc. This doesn't really have any major implications on the speedrun but I thought it was really interesting and I thought you guys might want to know. I'd be curious to see if the Xbox and PS2 versions of the game have this same oversight as well.

Spike780 ve HobbesTHero bunu beğendi
Oklahoma, USA

That's actually really cool. I'm going to check later but I assume that's only Dartmouth right? It would be funny if Auburn just has a kicker playing wide receiver.

Madison, WI, USA

Yeah, I forgot to mention in my original post but none of the other I-AA schools have this issue, it's just Dartmouth. I'd assume none of the I-A schools have this issue, and if they did it'd probably have a noticeable effect on the team's overall.

HobbesTHero bunu beğeniyor
Texas, USA

Super interesting. Didn't notice that during the run lol.

Madison, WI, USA

Just fired up my copy on Xbox, and the same issue is there. Dartmouth's depth chart is messed up in the exact same way on the Xbox and GC versions. This is one of the most weirdly interesting bugs I've seen in any game.

Spike780 bunu beğeniyor