Using the quick start method that saves two frames. Achieved 2nd after WarSnakey on the same day as the time save was found. This is surely maxed out now.
This level was a 20906 for most VR2 speedrunners who have attempted this level. Anonymityhope uploaded an untied score of 20908 back in 2008. This achievement was matched by Jess Aether in 2016, followed by myself in 2019, and dlimes13 in 2020. In June of 2020, I got the untied the record with a score of 20910 and that would be matched about half a year later by Philosopher. Since that time, WarSnakey would achieve a 20908 as well in 2021. Earlier today, dlimes13 would study my 20910 and Philo's as well. He noticed our timesave came from the start of the level as we turned 2 frames faster than all the other 20908's achieved. dlimes13 and myself studied this for a bit and figured out how to replicate the timesave. All you have to do is begin moving Snake as soon as the game gives you control of him, instead of holding the analog stick as the level loads in. dlimes13 would achieve a 20910 very quickly, followed by WarSnakey a few hours later. Using save-states, dlimes13 confirmed a 20912 was possible. WarSnakey also got the first 20912 not long after, being the first person to do so. I achieved the 20912 (this video) shortly afterwards. Here's hoping all the 20908 and 20910 players go on to get the 20912 score.