Any% Easy Item + Quick Select Route
Any% Easy Item + Quick Select Route
Güncelleme tarihi 6 months ago tarafından Dr_Frienderman (mirror) (mirror)

Since 11/29/2016
This version Created 10/13/2018
Updated Feb/27/2024
(just updating formatting for SRC changes, guides still old and most likely out of date)

Metal Arms: Glitch In The System
Easy Any% Item and Quick Select Route

::::Begin Hero Training:::: (laser)
enable 4 way quick select
pickup grenade x5
use grenade x1
::::End Hero Training:::: (laser)

::::Begin Do Ore Die:::: (laser)
pickup battery
pickup spew
use grenade x4
pickup grenade x5
ass spew/grenade - DOWN
::::End do ore die:::: (spew)

::::Begin Seal the Mines:::: (spew)
use grenade x1
pickup speed artifact
::::end seal the mines:::: (spew)

::::Begin Cleanup:::: (spew)
pickup ripper
swap to spew
use grenade x4
pickup grenade x10
pickup rocket
ass rocket - RIGHT -
pickup cleaner (x2)
ass rocket/cleaner - RIGHT -
swap to spew
pickup battery
swap to rockets/cleaner
::::end cleanup:::: (rocket/cleaner)

::::Begin They Live:::: (rocket/cleaner)
pickup Scope
swap to spew/grenade
ass rivet/grenade - LEFT -
swap to spew/grenade
::::end they live:::: (spew/grenade)

::::Begin Wasteland Journey:::: (spew/grenade)
pickup slingshot
pickup grenade x5
use grenade x1 via slingshot
pickup scatterblaster
ass scatterblaster/grenade - UP -
::::end wasteland journey:::: (scatter/grenade)

::::Begin Mozer, Schmozer:::: (rivet forced)
::::End Mozer, Schmozer:::: (rivet forced)

::::Begin Zombie Bot King:::: (scatter/grenade)
swap to rivet/grenade
use 1x cleaner
::::end Zombie bot king::::

::::Begin Into the Trenches:::: (rivet Lvl 2EUK forced)
ass rivet/scope - LEFT -
swap to spew
::::end into the trenches:::: (spew or scatter)

::::Begin Infiltrate Compound:::: (spew or scatter)
swap to rivet/scope
::::end infiltrate compound:::: (rivet/scope)

::::Begin Destroy Comm:::: (rivet/scope)
pickup EMP
::::End destroy comm:::: (rivet/scope)

::::c a n c e r:::: (Turret forced)

::::Begin What Research:::: (?)
swap to rivet/scope
::::end what research:::: (rivet/scope)

::::Begin The Search for Krunk:::: (?)
swap to rocket/cleaner
use 1x cleaner
(dupe another cleaner)
::::end The search for Krunk::::

::::Begin F&!?ing Krunked:::: (Krunk forced)
::::End F&!?ing Krunked:::: (Krunk forced)

::::Begin You Know The Drill:::: (Tether forced)
(optional) pickup EMP
::::End You Know The Drill:::: (rivet/scope)

::::Begin Wasteland Chase:::: (Turret forced) but (rivet/scope) on exit
::::End Wasteland Chase:::: (rivet/scope)

::::Begin Morbot City:::: (rivet/scope)
pickup cleaner (x2)
use 1x cleaner
::::End Morbot City:::: (doesnt matter)

::::Begin I, Predator:::: (doesnt matter)
pickup Lvl 2 Tether EUK
::::End I, Predator:::: (doesnt matter)

::::Begin The Reactor Core:::: (doesnt matter)
pickup Lvl 3 Rivet EUK
use 1x cleaner
pickup EMP
::::End The Reactor Core:::: (doesnt matter)

::::Begin Fire It Up:::: (Flamer forced)
::::End Fire It Up:::: (Flamer forced)

::::Begin The Hand Is Mightier:::: (Flamer forced)
::::End The Hand Is Mightier:::: (empty hand)

::::Begin Find The Spy Factory:::: (empty hand)
swap to rivet/scope
use 1x EMP
::::End Find The Spy Factory:::: (rivet/scope)

::::Begin Unhandled Exception:::: (?)
pickup wrench
swap to wrench
::::End Unhandled Exception::::

::::Begin Access The Ruins::::
::::End Access The Ruins::::

::::Begin Seen Better Days::::
::::End Seen Better Days::::

::::Begin The Sniper's Lair::::
swap to Rivet Gun
::::End The Sniper's Lair:::: (Rivet Gun/Scope)

::::Begin Secret Rendezvous:::: (Rivet Gun/Scope)
optional Pickup 1x recruiter
::::End Secret Rendezvous:::: (Rivet Gun/Scope)

::::Begin Bright Lights Mil City:::: (Rivet Gun/Scope)
Optional swap to sling shot
optional Use 1x recruiter via sling shot
swap to Tether
::::End Bright Lights Mil City:::: (Tether)

::::Begin Get To The Tower:::: (Tether)
use EMP 1x
optional pickup EMP 1x
::::End Get To The Tower:::: (Tether)

::::Begin Unwelcome Home:::: (Tether)
optional USE EMP 1x
::::End Unwelcome Home:::: (doesnt matter)

::::Begin 15 Minutes:::: (empty hand forced)
pickup spew
revert to checkpoint
pickup Tether
pickup grenade x5
(Pickup EMP x1)
(use EMP 1x)
::::End 15 Minutes:::: (doesnt matter)

::::Begin Round 2:::: (empty hand forced)
pickup scatterblaster
pickup grenade x5
use grenade x5
pickup flame grenade x1
pickup flame grenade x1
use flame grenade x1
use flame grenade x1
::::End Round 2:::: (doesnt matter)

::::Begin Last Bot Standing:::: (empty hand forced)
pickup slingshot
pickup grenade x5
use grenade x1 via slingshot
use grenade x1 via slingshot
Pickup EMP x1
pickup grenade x9
use EMP 1x via slingshot
use grenade x9 via slingshot
::::End Last Bot Standing:::: (doesnt matter)

::::Begin Fall To Pieces:::: (empty hand forced)
pickup wrench
::::End Fall To Pieces:::: (doesnt matter)

::::Begin Race to the Rocket:::: (empty hand forced)
--@ start--
pickup slingshot
pickup coring charges
--mid way--
pickup cleaner 2x
pickup Rivet gun
::::End Race to the Rocket::::

::::Begin Fully Operational::::
pickup lvl 3 spew
pickup lvl 3 scatterblaster
(pickup 1x recruiter)
(use 1x recruiter)
::::End Fully Operational::::

::::Begin Final Battle::::
swap to rocket/cleaner
(Use cleaners x2)
(Pickup cleaners x2)
(Use cleaners x2)
(Pickup cleaners x2)
(Use cleaners x2)
::::End Final Battle::::

= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = OLD ROUTE = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =

Created 11/29/2016
Updated 10/8/2018
By Dr_Frienderman

Metal Arms: Glitch In The System
Easy Any% Special Item Route

cleanup cleaners 2

Zombiebot king use 1 cleaner

destroy com array pickup 1x emp

what research pickup 1x emp

The search for krunk use 1x cleaner (dupe another)
The search for krunk grab 2x cleaner (optional used in fight)

Morbot city grab 2x cleaner (ed used in fight) ------------------------- use 1 in fight

the reactor core get emp
use emp on loader --------------------------------------------use cleaner on loader

----------THE HAND IS MIGHTIER ------------------------------use emp

find the spy factoty use 1x emp

secret redevous Pickup 1x recruiter
Bright lights use 1x recruiter

get to the tower use emp 1x

--- out of all ------

get to the tower pickup emp 1x (OPTIONAL)

15 minutes Pickup + use emp x1

last bot standing Pickup + use emp x1

race raocket pickup cleaner 2x

fully operation get and use recruiter


= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = OLD ROUTE = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =

(Pickup cleaners x2)
(OPT Use cleaners x2)
(OPT Pickup cleaners x2)

ZombieBot King¤¤
(use 1x cleaner)

Destroy Comm Array¤¤
(pickup 1x emp)

What Research?¤¤
(pickup 1x emp)

The Search For Krunk¤¤
(dupe 1x cleaner)
(Use the OG 1x cleaner that you just duped)
(OPT grab 2x cleaner for/in end fight)

Morbot City¤¤
(grab 2x cleaner)
(use 1x cleaner in fight)

The Reactor Core¤¤
(use 1x cleaner on loader)
(pickup 1x emp)

The Hand Is Mightier¤¤
(use 1x emp)

Find The Spy Factory¤¤
(use 1x emp)

Secret Rendezvous¤¤
(Pickup 1x recruiter)

Bright Lights Mil City¤¤
(use 1x recruiter)

Get To The Tower¤¤
(use emp 1x)

------ out of all special grenades------

Get To The Tower¤¤
(OPT pickup emp 1x)

Unwelcome Home¤¤
(Use OPT emp 1x)

15 Minutes¤¤ (Pickup emp x1)
(use emp 1x)

Last Bot Standing (Pickup emp x1)
(use emp 1x)

Race to the Rocket¤¤
(only grab slingshot and coring charges in beginning)
(pickup cleaner 2x w/ Rivet gun)

Fully Operational¤¤ (pickup 1x recruiter)
(use 1x recruiter)

Final Battle¤¤ (Use cleaners x2)
(Pickup cleaners x2)
(Use cleaners x2)
(Pickup cleaners x2)
(Use cleaners x2)

------ out of all special grenades------

Time Ends when screen fades to black.

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