I feel like all minigames should be a category. At least a misk. I also have a few other request. How about all bowser party boards and the separate boards going into ILs? I think the amiibo boards being there and the bowser boards being normal catigories does not make sence. And can we have the Mario party boards there as well?
Hey conman,
If you want All Minigames to be a category, you can do a run. If other people also show interest in running the category, I'll create something for it on the leaderboards.
For Bowser Party All Boards, I just added this. The Individual Boards are gonna have to stay in Full Game Categories for now, because this website doesn't handle ILs in a very good way, so I feel that it's better they stay like this until some changes are made to this website. When they do though, I'll get right on it.
For Individual Mario Party Boards, I'll say the same thing as All Minigames. Although you won't need other people's interest for those, I just don't want empty leaderboards.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need something else!
- Cosmo
Now that i think about it all 2v2 or 1v3 minigames would be cool. Edit: All Free-for-all minigames also.
Ye i think that too it should be a category its the best bit about it and why its the best mario party (apart from super mario party)