V2 route
2 years ago

I was looking into running this as a part of a DotT: remastered run, so I had to figure out a route that doesn't have inner lab door mod, but that I could use. Mike's V1 run obviously has fast movement which doesn't work in V2, so I can't get caught and get all kinds of stuff. Also, I think it doesn't let me go upstairs a second time if someone is caught, but this route seemed OKish:

The only thing missing is when you need to get the package, so that it's available to use the doorbell again later. If you hear the doorbell, just use your outside character to pick it up (my first test run had it around the pool emptying time).

Edit: 28.11.2022 Changes: dumping kid in the kitchen for basement, other changes based on Mike's recent run.

Kids to door (F)1-> pickup mat 1-> use key in door 1 & 2-> go inside 2 -> go kitchen (to get caught) 1-> upstairs, left door, get paint remover, through security door, upstairs 1 -> run past green upstairs, enter first door (change kids back and forth to allow movement upstairs) 1-> left side of room, up ladder, get yellow key off right wall 1-> go down, go to fourth room use buff machine 1-> go to room with green tentacle (F)3-> ring doorbell (F)2 -> go to loose brick, press loose brick once 1 is caught (F)1 -> exit, get silver key 1-> go to open outside grate (F)3-> go to valve via outside 1->pool (silver key on door) (F)3-> open valve (F)1-> get key and open radio, leave pool (F)3-> close valve (F)1-> go through gate, open garage door, unlock trunk with yellow key, get tools (F)3-> go inside, go to basement door (F)1-> on the way back, use batteries with flashlight, turn on flashlight while moving 1-> open basement (F)3-> go basement (F)1-> go to wires (top floor rightmost door), use paint remover on splotch, green tentacle skip again (F)3-> go to fuse box, open it, turn off fuses (F)1-> fix wires with tools (or use tools with wires) (F)3-> turn on fuses 3-> go outside get package, ring doorbell (or wait for doorbell to ring and then get the package, around 6min 9s from start) (F)1-> wait 5s, get hamster+card from third room (F)1-> get caught, Ed's room, third door (F)3-> go outside, prepare to ring doorbell

ALTERNATE 1: (F)1-> open outer lab door, give everything that isn't the card key and yellow key to kid 2, wait for arcade cutscene 1-> open lab door Lab combo #7572 / 5858 / 3301 / 8640 (F)3-> ring doorbell

ALTERNATE 2: 1-> open outer lab door, give kid 2 the yellow and card key before arcade scene, wait for arcade cutscene 2->open lab door (combo above) , continue with kid 2 instead of 1 (less inventory scrolling) (F)3 -> ring doorbell

(F)1-> go inside lab, wait for cutscene, skip scene, go past tentacle opening the door on the right 1-> use card on door, open locker, get suit (if your version has the killing beams) 1-> go through door, turn off switch 1-> get meteor, put it in trunk, close trunk, yellow key in rocket

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 2 years ago
MilkToast bunu beğeniyor

Alternative: get caught after done upstairs in green tentacle room, sac kid 2 to edna in kitchen. Leave dungeon with 1,get key, outside to open grate, continue as above.

The delay in the doorbell and getting caught is just that I can't get green tentacle skip first try...

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 2 years ago
MilkToast bunu beğeniyor

Inventory things: The inventory scrolls up when changing kids, so when you fix the wires, you can just type (while on the wires): V L enter enter (you can continue it with F3, T, enter enter with the same cursor position) Also, getting the card key later, makes this already available, rather than having to scroll down (J twice)

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 2 years ago