Any tips for performing the Wardrobe launch
9 months ago

So I've been practicing the Wardrobe launch, and i'm having lots of trouble nailing down the technique. Both with not blowing the door off its hinges and blasting out the room without getting stuck in the cornor.

Also i have watched Cromish tips video but i didn't get a lot out of it concerning the Wardrobe launch.

Queensland, Australia

Hi there, I know you said you watched the tips video but I've made a few so not sure which you are talking about. I go over it in detail here. But I'll try to give some tips here as well:

  • First, note that this trick isn't very consistent. That is why you will see, if you watch my runs, that I will often just use the beach ball for later levels (I'm not doing runs lately, but when I was I would reset for it on level 1 but after that I would give it 1-2 tries only)
  • When opening the door outwards (i.e. when you are turning it beyond where it normally moves, not just opening it normally) you need to grab the door towards the inner edge. This will reduce the chance that the door will come off its hinges (but note that it still can). Since I haven't played in a while, I don't recall an exact spot to grab it, but also I was never carefully lining that up anyway so I don't think its very precise.
  • If the door comes off hinges, just give up and use the beach ball. Its almost impossible to get a launch after its off its hinges. Note though, that if you open the door backwards for the first time and it does NOT come off its hinges, then it wont come off at all, so you don't have to be as careful in case you have to try again and can open it from wherever.
  • When you go to walk into the door though, you need to walk in closer to the hinges, similar to where you grabbed it from to open. There is a decorative vertical line on the door inset from the hinges - that's usually where I target. If you are too far away from the hinges, the door will snap back and probably wont move you. The best way to see where this is is at ~12 minutes into my current any% record, where (because I have to wait for the tutorial to progress before launching) you can see me line it up and get it ready.
  • The launch itself is random, in terms of distance/angle. Sometimes you just get stuck in the corner - that is unavoidable. If you want to get out of this, then grab the beach ball and throw it outside of the wardrobe before you start the launch. This way, if you get stuck in the corner, you can use telekinesis (2) to pull the ball to you and then grab it (1). That will get you out of the corner. Note though, that this cant be used on the first level since you don't have telekinesis yet (hence why there are more resets there if you choose to use this).
BurneEee bunu beğeniyor
Queensland, Australia

I think I also used to make sure to be facing perpendicular to the door when i first opened it outwards, rather than grab at an angle - its hard to remember, but that may also help in preventing the door from coming off its hinges as often

BurneEee bunu beğeniyor
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