[Resolved] why was my run rejected?
3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

my run was rejected for not being a new game but no times were on any level and i used the exact same tutorial bypass on my previous run. please update the rules.

I feel there is no consistency.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

feels like a mod protecting a record.


Your run didn't start from a new game, if it did it would say Hold.


Also, sorry if there was any confusion.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

yes. you can bypass the tutorial just like i did on my 4:30 why dont u rerun it with the tutorial skip instead of adding rules after the fact.

please add no tutorial skip allowed to the rules since u added a new rule after the fact. least put it in there then claim its a new rule.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

will rerun it anyways as i planned on it. but ya bad mods

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago

Oof, sorry to hear that :( You can rerun it if you want, but I could not accept that run/

Phoenix, AZ, USA

s'ok did a 1 attempt. still beat it. approve it.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

or whats the new rule this time?

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

approve 1, reject the other. same thing in both. that's the problem. pick one. make the rules and set them don't add new ones that didn't exist a day prior as the reason to reject the run and don't make new rules to reject runs after the fact. its lame af

Phoenix, AZ, USA

if ya stand by your ruling then explain my 4:30 time and why it was approved.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

YOU no one else approved a tutorial skip as a wr. then u didnt use it and beat the wr. then i beat you and u said nope. cause of tutorial skip.

lame af.

wasnt like it woukd matter. was 20 seconds ahead of u.

still beat u again with tutorial 1st try. approve it.

bad mod.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago

First off, the New Game rule was always there. Second off, I approved your newest run bc there wasn't a tutorial skip. Thirdly, I am sorry I approved your 4:30 run, I didn't notice it had a tutorial skip. Sorry about that

Phoenix, AZ, USA

yup and yet again new rule. moved it to include ms on my run and didnt on any others.

your a bad mod. you strictly are adding new things after the fact. you should be removed.

Phoenix, AZ, USA





I made a mistake with the run. I am sorry. I don't understand why you are making a big deal about it, and its sure as hell isn't mod abuse.

Bricko, GuildMasterTV ve 4 diğerleri bunu beğendi

@Fioresa I addressed you in the other forum post.

Was just a mistake, and no mod abuse would ever happen under the LEGO communities watch.

sami, Bricko ve 3 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Phoenix, AZ, USA

why was milliseconds added to my run aftee submission when jt wasnt an option. why edit the game and add more time to my run but not others?

my runs are treated different vs the mods aka mod abuse.

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