I had a big question: Is it actually possible to do the DDR thing? For some reason, the game is not registering inputs on the left 2 thingies (left and up, unsure what Xbox buttons they are). Because of that, I can only get so far. (Both KB and controller)
And if that was a possibility, what are the ideas of an "all red faces" run? This'll be the only category doing both the baby fight and creeping up DDR style
I have managed to finish the DDR level on keyboard a few times. I usually just resorted to mashing all of the arrow keys together near the end because the game doesn't penalize you for hitting extra notes, only for missing notes.
I have no problem adding a category like that if there's interest in running it, would probably call it something like "genocide".
I also considered adding a "pacifist" category, but it seemed redundant with all achievements already being pacifist.
Tried that, mashing Z, X and all of the arrow buttons on keyboard. It doesn't show as registered, but it definitely add to the life bar rather than deplete it.
Edit: Z and X works wonders just alternating those 2. Got a 11:12 for the first run