Run appruve and silent changed rules
3 years ago

Hello, i have rejected wr run:

Personal message what i got from Turanin on twitch: "Turanin: yo, had to check some things since u changed to korean version and no one has used that version until now. also you changed to another emulator for no reason (atleast for me) and it seems that this one is running a little faster than original console. With rule changes from 21.11. key bindings must be shown which you havent done. therefore ur run will be declined / rejected. gonna announce upcoming rulechanges in the forum from now on."

Emulator was changed coz Pikachu reccomend it. I have not expiriance with emulators but gens have lag with changed windows focus and little input lag with comparing Fusion. Fusion emu allowed in many games.

Game version switched for Korean also for finding faster dialogs, like was with JP version in last time.

I disagree with decision decline run. Rules about key bindings ( input showing while run, how i understund idea) added without any announce on forum or descussion to add it. So i didn't know about it.

Vendettavic, HosteL ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
North Korea

Korean Version found by me, i did pb while testing both , it's why i did pb on J version. he changed emulator bcuz, his old emu has frame drop to 47 from 60 then up again to 61 lol. kega fusion most acceptable emu in other games. @Turanin change rules November 21th, but did post only today. no one from old runners checking rules. he's played on gens before, and as i know gens banned in some games.

Berlin, Germany
Tarafından silindi yazar
North Korea

@realPATendo about kega fusion, idk how it works, i have played on sega mega drive 1, i have same on first dialog, sometimes i can save 1 second for some reason. before changing the rules, a discussion is created, or at least a post about changing the rules. sound fun you accuse a person just like that, without any evidence, he would not change anything if I had not told him that gens is a lagging dog shit. in most of sega games kega fusion is main emulator about what you talking ?

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

First of all, why i wrote this was as an answer to Dea1h's message on twitch: "Dea1h: Yo, why not approve my wr run?" Since i wasn't online on here for some days i had to check other PB's aswell. What i said about the version and the emulator isn't the reason for the rejection. It's just an explanation on why it needed more time to check the PB. Can't just verify a new used version of the Game without testing it myself. For the rulechanges: On other Leaderboards, if you don't read the rules, it is basically your own fault. And they don't announce any changes aswell. And last time you didn't follow the rules aswell with the naming of the emulator / core used in the description. And when i asked you to just edit your submission by adding it you refused to do it. (which would have been an act of a few secs).

From my source (a mod from other sega leaderboards and emulator runner) gens and kega are not very accurate emulators. Therefore i added the new rules that are used on other sega speedrun leaderboards aswell. With who should i discuss the rule changes? With the one other "active" runner of the game whos chat / himself is accusing me onstream of cheating? As i said in my message im gonna announce the changes from now on in the forum. And the Changes had to be made now thanks to the discussion on your stream on how the rules before have been formulated. f.e. "The double bindings of keys isnt allowed, f.e. magic, attack etc.". It was just an example, but everyone said...ok you can double bind other buttons since he said magic and attack.

But nice he is missing the "blame on pikachu message": "Dea1h: also pika run have not show key binding too." Yeaaa how should someone with an original console show key bindings?!

@Pikachu: I get what you mean with the checking of the rules from older runners, but simple rule is to check them by urself basically before every run / submission. Also with gens beeing banned on other games and beeing a emulatorrunner for many years (so he could have get some informations in the time about the accuracy) technically all of his runs aren't valid. Would be the same for a zsnes user on super nintendo leaderboards

Z4T0X bunu beğeniyor
North Korea

also , he beat turanin run before, he was trying to beat my, turanin run sucks, like my, i have a lot of mistake and did 43:59, dude 42 is possible to do with some grind. and also i lost a lot of run low 43 sub 43, i can't understand about what you talking, dea1h use faster strat than Turanin, i have use the same, pretty sure i will do better run much better, and everyone can do better run, and there is no problem to beat turanin time with some practice.

Berlin, Germany
Tarafından silindi yazar
North Korea

@Turanin he's read old rules. and his don't know there some changes, you did post only today to people's see any changes. he's don't know about retro speedruns and emulator, he means i told him about changing emulator, because you ask him where reason to change emu, there answer. as you can see this is only 1 game what he run in retro. there no reason to change rules, also on a lot of emus you can't see any binds, not sure about kega fusion, also you one from older runner in this game, you must know about dea1h enough to accept his run. i saw his practice on stream, i speak with him about strats, he explain me a lot in game, cheaters have no idea about the game and the intricacies usually.


@Turanin Please can you show how exacly i have to show key bindings after run, on one of your accepted emulator.

I will do another run this is not a problem at all.

Vendettavic ve realPATendo bunu beğendi
North Korea

@realPATendo dude, he's not did it with first try, you can understand this? i do tripple jump timming more consistance than dea1h, and you need to watch his stream. muddied a small part :D you guys are funny. I apologize, but you are blind, at the bottom left there is a fps, when the game at 50Hz fps also locks at 50 if that. 50Hz means pal if you don't know, try to put 50Hz and look at fps turanin playing without any mic cam, there are no requirements for the microphone, turned on or off, I personally do not see any problems.

Berlin, Germany
Tarafından silindi yazar
North Korea

you need to test some emus before talking about something like that, if that looks fishy for you, it's not means that fishy :0 sorry, hard to read and translate living in other Country, google translator not the best as you can know. about 50 hz at start, when you running fusion they set at pal to default i think. nvm, dea1h will do run on "normal emu" so we can close this discuss. p.s tripple jump much easiest than you think, doing it on original console almot with first try everytime. but double jump is impossible for some reason :D

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago
realPATendo bunu beğeniyor
Berlin, Germany
Tarafından silindi yazar
Berlin, Germany
Tarafından silindi yazar

just report via report system for unmod...

Madrid, Spain

Im not an activer runner of this game yet but i´ve seen many of Dea1h runs/practice before and i don´t think he is cheating at all (just an opinion based on nothing) also to change the rules without any previous discussion on forum (and a previous announce) doesn´t seem the way for me to do things (not blaming anyone here, just my opinion) I think any changes of the rules of any game should be always a community decision with every change deeply and open explained.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Turanin has approved all of Dea1h's runs in the past without any problems and now as he changed his emulator settings, that are proven faster than the original setup, is a valid reason not to accept his newest run. Pikachu's run got approved as it appears to be absolutely fine. The leaderboards are there to show the fastest times on a legit setup, not on setups that give you advantages over the real system. About the rule changes: there is an audit log to show when the rule changes were made. I don't think Turanin would do a sneak attack and change the rules on the same day the run was made. Not to mention: showing key bindings is not a rule that has to be discussed with the community as it a very simple task for anyone to do - without any effort. It is also a common rule for many games on

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago
Zockerstu, Cr4zykonG, ve realPATendo bunu beğendi

@Turanin Still waiting instructions for binding showing. Thanks

North Korea

@Z4T0X he did not change any settings, you did not quite understand correctly, he changed the emulator itself, because there are problems with the gens, just rules has been changes without any notifications,he played don't even know about any changes, although not so long ago they looked at the rules, nothing was said about kega fusion. i'm not sure, but i think i have checked rules before i told him about kega fusion. about kega fusion, this emu most usable emu in another sega games, and yes this emu faster than console, but still not banned in other games. check rules if you can. exaple: other sonic games has same rules / / you will not find any game where Kega is banned, from this you can conclude that he is not so cheating. and it's not a problem to show the bindings, the very essence is that no action was taken with the emulator, just exposed the region from PAL to NTSC. do you go in and see the rules every day in your game? of course not, that's why we didn't look, we looked at how we started to run, and Dea1h is not a psychic to know in advance that there will be a change in the rules. about rules changes notification. @Delekates i'll do this i think.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

@Pikachu Yeah I meant emulator, that is even bigger than just emulator settings. Depending on the game, this can make a HUGE difference, way more than changing emulator settings. Why did Dea1h not ask if the new settings OR emulator he used are actually viable for this game? He started using it without asking Turanin if this emulator has been tested to be legit. As I said, there is an audit log to see when the rule changes were made and when Death submitted his run. I highly doubt Turanin did this on the same day, he can show it for sure. Since nobody really used this forum before and there is no discord community, I can quite understand if there was no notification for either the rules and Dea1h not asking anything about the legitimacy of the emulator he started using. It is good when a game gets updated rules, but I can quite understand that he wouldnt go to Death's chat ever again after you and Death called him a cheater for no reason. Maybe Turanin should create an official Discord server and you guys join there, so things like that can not happen anymore :) Whatever, Death said he can do it on legit setup again, so no problem about the rule/emulator changes I suppose!

If other communities allow cheating, should Light Crusader allow cheating as well? If its faster than real console, it has either to be a seperate category or be banned, no matter what other communities do.

I never said he is cheating or tried to, but it seems like he tried to find solutions how to gain an advantage over Turanin in other ways than practicing and getting better at the game.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 3 years ago
Zockerstu ve realPATendo bunu beğendi
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