Category Extensions
2 years ago
Östergötland, Sweden

I made like a sort of category extensions leaderboard on Google sheets, I am open to submissions, and if the mods want to make any of the categories official I am totally fine with it.


May I suggest No Copy Abilities All Waddle Dees, as well as No Copy Abilities Max%? Software Error% would also be cool, Crash the game as fast as possible Single ability runs are also an idea, beat the game with one copy ability.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 2 years ago
ItsMeChair bunu beğeniyor
Östergötland, Sweden

Ok sounds good. I will say, No Copy Abilities All Waddle Dees is impossible, and the NCA categories would probably be good as main categories. I will add the others though.

Östergötland, Sweden

Yes, I have always wanted that to be a category. Adding it right now


how do we submit because I want to attempt all categories at some point

and for min mouthfuls put something that says how many mouthfuls they used so if someone did it Slower but in less mouthfuls they are higher of the leaderboard than someone that did it in a faster time but more mouthfuls

and maybe you could put a link next to the time so we can see the run and how the route would go and maybe find improvements

this is just what I would do but its up to you

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 2 years ago
United States

Really late response, but Category Extensions are something we plan to add officially. There still isn't an ETA for it aside from When It's Added(tm), but there'll be an update in the News section here and the KFL channels in the speedrunning Discord when it is.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 2 years ago

(Am I too late) any ways I suggest glitchless for all of the categories and sub ones

Östergötland, Sweden

I think there is a comment system on Google sheets. And I will add glitchless leaderboards too.


i have a suggestion for a Category extension called

Capsule%: Collect all capsules across all levels from a fresh save

i got the idea when tippi did this run on stream

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