RAM Watch Values
7 years ago
California, USA

I practice this game using the BizHawk emulator due to simple RAM watch integration and LUA scripting functions. I really enjoyed just taking this game apart, so I wanted to post stuff related to memory values for you guys to mess with.

Note: Any boolean (true/false) values, such as "Ship Cleared of Dinosaurs" will evaluate to false if equal to 0000, any other value true. So you can either increment it to 0001 or FFFF, it's all the same.

Story triggers: ########### Generator On - 00026B Rebooted Computer - 00026D Motion Sensors On - 000287 Ship Communications Sent - 001E15 Mainland Communications Sent - 000275 Ship Cleared of Dinosaurs - 001E17 Security Level 1 Obtained- 000265 Security Level 2 Obtained - 000267 Sealed Visitor Center - 00026F Nerve Gas (1 = obtained, 2 = deployed) - 001E0F

  • Note: The game only checks for a non-zero value before letting you destroy the raptor nest. Actually deploying doesn't matter, just that you get line of sight to the eggs while this value is non-zero. Enable Ship Communications - 000270 Enable Mainland Communications - 000274
  • These two values mean that you've achieved the objectives necessary to activate the communications. See the flow chart under Resources for info on what those objectives are. Current Egg Count - 000E0F All Eggs Obtained - 000289
  • Triggers when "Current Egg Count" goes from 1 to 0

To spawn the helicopter and beat the game, all you need is "Mainland Communications Sent" and "All Eggs Obtained"


Robert Muldoon's ID - 000257 Ray Arnold's ID - 00025D John Hammond's ID - 000253 Ellie Sattler's ID - 000255 Dr. Wu's ID - 000261 Dennis Nedry's ID - 00025F Alan Grant's ID - 000258 Donald Generro - ? Ian Malcom - ? (I forgot to look these up, they should be in the area of 0002XX. You can flip bytes until you find it or let me know if you need help figuring them out)


Alan X Position - 002476 Alan Y Position - 002C4A

  • Map max (x, y) values are (4096, 4096), though you can get past these numbers if you jump off the ship. Jumping speed - 005B42
  • This one is fun, set it to 20 and have a blast. Too fast and the game won't load textures quite right :P. Is Moving (boolean) - 000B26
  • Pretty useless, just evaluates to true if you are moving. Health - 0002EB
  • 0 is full health, 255 or FF is death. Freeze this value if you want invincibility for testing something out. Related to Move Speed - 002861
  • The value changes depending on your direction, so there's a little math here I never figured out.

Weapons: ######## Weapon Type 1st Slot - 00028D Weapon Type 2nd Slot - 000297 Weapon Ammo Count 1st Slot - 00028B Weapon Ammo Count 2nd Slot - 000295 Weapon Type Values: 00 - Shotgun 02 - Rockets 04 - Bolas Snare 06 - Gas Grenade 08 - Tranquilizer? Note 1: You can set weapons to the wrong slots if you want to dual wield rocket launchers. Note 2: The game immediately crashes if you set it to an odd number, so careful.


  • Non-zero value means unlocked. You can leave all 3 unlocked Gate 1 - 00024D Gate 2 - 00024F Gate 3 - 000251


Floor 1 Count: 001E20 Floor 2 Count: 001E2D Floor 3 Count: 001E2E Floor 4 Count: 001E2F Floor 5 Count: 001E30 Floor 1 Clear: 001E3B Floor 2 Clear: 001E48 Floor 3 Clear: 001E49 Floor 4 Clear: 001E4A Floor 5 Clear: 001E4B Current Floor UI Message: 0017A3

3D Sections: ########## 3D Collision IDs - 0000EA

This one is a bit interesting. This is the ID of what the player is currently colliding with. Doors, walls, computer, etc. all have different IDs. If you set this value to a dungeon entrance or computer, you will instantly access that dungeon/computer IF you are in a building. This is also the cause of the glitch where when getting Ray Arnold's ID, you can get caught in the corner between the computer and the wall. The game thinks you're colliding with a computer, but uses the ID of the wall to figure out which computer, causing the game to lock up.

Here are some values I've determined: Computers: 224 - Complains generator isn't on 225 - Security level 2 computer 226 - Mainland communications computer 227 - Ship communications computer 228 - Nublar Utility Shed computer 231 - Reboot system computer 232 - Security level 1 computer 233 - Computers about generator but with number glitching on the right

239 - Generator collision object at start of game

Dungeon Exits: 243, 244 - Secret Level 245,246 - Raptor Nest South 247,248 - Raptor Nest North 249 - Ship 250 - Nublar 251 - Beach 252 - Visitor Center Entrance 253 - Visitor Center Roof 254 - Raptor Pen 255 - North Utility Shed 240 - Spawns you at (36640, 17156) with the ocean music playing 241 - Spawns you at (119, 36586) 242 - (43392, 544) Jungle music.

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