Main Rules :
- Submissions must include a video.
- Turbo is not allowed.
- Save states may not be used to start a run (for example: to skip a long intro) or loaded at any point during a run.
Emulator specific rules:
- Include emulator and version used in submission notes.
- FCEUX, Nestopia and Bizhawk/NEShawk, Messen, Mednafen are acceptable emulators. Most of the others (like Jnes) are banned being known for their inaccuracy.
- Recommended to use input display, frame counter and have “No Movie” showing to help prove legitimacy (provided that chosen emu has such features)
- RAM and memory watch features are not allowed, as they provide an unfair advantage that is not possible on console.
- Remapping buttons during a run is not allowed.
- Mapping multiple buttons to one key is not allowed.
- Rewind features not allowed.
- Submitting a movie file or a recording of a movie file playing not allowed.
Any% - 1 Loop : removed rules "For 1 Loop start the game on the 2nd loop by entering the password 113674." it's means now you can submit your fastest loop, no matter what was that first or second. any passwords not allowed in speedrun.
Password not Allowed
Timing begins when the player hits start.
Timing ends when the final boss is defeated and begins blinking.
For emulator runs, please state the name & version of the emulator used in your submission. Smartphone emulators are banned.
if someone want to add or remove something write here
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